This post aims to provide 50 important MCQ's for PG entrance and thereby also helping in attaining knowledge regarding the different question patterns of various entrance examination all over India, of different universities for pursuing Masters degree in English literature.

This questionnaire was provided for the 2022 M.A. in English programme, Dibrugarh University. Here, I have provided fifty of the 100 questions and the other fifty are provided in the link below: in a new tab)

50 Important MCQ's for PG Entrance | Part 2

Read the excerpt given below and select the most appropriate option given in the next of our questions:

Irish poets, learn your trade,

Sing whatever is well made,

Scorn the sort now growing up

All out of shape from toe to top,

Their unremembering hearts and heads

Base-born products of base beds.

Sing the peasantry, and then

Hard-riding country gentlemen,

The holiness of monks, and after

Porter-drinkers' randy laughter;

Sing the lords and ladies gay

That were beaten into the clay

Through seven heroic centuries;

Cast your mind on other days

That we in coming days may be

Still the indomitable Irishry

51. The last three lines of the stanza look to the.

(A) future to shape the present (B) future to shape the past

(C) past to shape the future (D) past to shape the present

Ans: (C) past to shape the future

52. By referring to poetry as a "trade" the poet implies that.

(A) poetry is written for the marketplace

(B) poetry is written to be bought and sold

(C) the poets have pecuniary motives in writing poetry

(D) writing poetry requires skill

Ans: (D) writing poetry requires skill

53. The poem above can be read as _______

(A) an exercise in memory

(B) an exercise in nostalgia

(C) an attempt to reshape Ireland

(D) an attempt to reshape poetry

Ans: (C) an attempt to reshape Ireland

54. The contrast in the stanza is between.

(A) "the indomitable Irishry" and "base beds"

(B) the poetry of the past and the present

(C) the poetry of peasants and that of gentlemen

(D) the "holiness of monks" and lesbians

Ans: (B) the poetry of the past and the present

55. The 'Angel in the House' became a common label for the Victorian ideal of respectable middle-class femininity. The phrase originated with a popular long poem by

(A) Arthur Munby (C) Charlotte Mew (B) Arthur Hugh Clough (D) Coventry Patmore

Ans: (D) Coventry Patmore

56. ________ is the use of words whose pronunciation imitates the sound the word describes.

(B) Onomatopoeia (D) Enthymeme (A) Alliteration (C) Oxymoron

Ans: (B) Onomatopoeia

57. Arrange the following forms in the order in which they appeared. Use the code given below:

I. Commedia dell'arte    II. Confessional poetry    III. Agitprop    IV. Picaresque novel

The correct combination is:

Code: (A) IV, I, II, III

(B) I, IV, III, II

(C) II, IV, I, III

(D) I, III, IV, II

Ans: (B) I, IV, III, II

58. Which of the following works is not actually a prose essay?

(A) Essay of Dramatic Poesy

(B) Essay on Man

(C) Essay Concerning Human Understanding

(D) Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision

Ans: (B) Essay on Man

59. Which among the following novels was not written in 1922 ?

(A) Ulysses (B) Jacob's room (C) Aaron's Rod (D) Passage to India

Ans: (D) Passage to India

60. All forms of feminism posit that


1. The relationship between the sexes is one of inequality oppression.

II. There should be an end to all wars.

III. Women need financial independence.

IV. All men are prone to violence.

The correct combination according to the code is:

(A) I and II are correct (B) III and IV are correct (C) I and III are correct (D) II and IV are correct.

Ans: (C) I and III are correct

61. The words "If it were done when tis done, then twere well / It were done quickly..." are uttered by

(A) Hamlet (B) King Lear (C) Othello (D) Macbeth

Ans: (D) Macbeth

62. An epilogue is

(A) prefix to a text which it introduces

(B) suffix to a text which it sums up or extends

(C) a piece of writing or speech that formally begins a book

(D) a piece of writing or speech that bears no relation to the text at hand

Ans: (B) suffix to a text which it sums up or extends

63. Thomas Wyatt and the Earl of Surrey jointly brought out Tottel's Miscellany during the Renaissance. Identify the name of the Earl of Surrey from the following:

(A) Thomas Lodge (B) Thomas Nashe (C) Thomas Sackville (D) Henry Howard

Ans: (D) Henry Howard

64. Eighteenth century writers used satire frequently for

(A) attacking human vices and follies

(B) inciting the reading public

(C) glorifying the culture of the upper classes

(D) pleasing their women readers

Ans: (A) attacking human vices and follies

65. Read the passage given below and select the most appropriate option given in each case.

"So this is the little woman who made the big war!" said Abraham Lincoln, on meeting the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin? Which was the "big war" that he was talking about?

(A) World War I

(B) World War II

(C) The U.S. War in Afghanistan

(D) The U.S. Civil War

Ans: (D) The U.S. Civil War

66. Which of the following statement best describes the imagist movement?

(A) An effort to free poetry from excessive romanticism and facile emotionalism, replacing it with a precision and clarity of imagery

(B) An attention to alternate states of consciousness and uncanny imagery

(C) The neo-platonic poetics that stresses the importance of poetry aiming to achieve its ideal "form"

(D) The resurrection of Romantic poetic sensibility

Ans: (A) An effort to free poetry from excessive romanticism and facile emotionalism, replacing it with a precision and clarity of imagery

67. Which of the following statements are true about the Elizabethan Revenge Tragedies?

(1) Rape, adultery and murder are prominent features of this category of plays

(ii) Structure of world seems mysterious and it results into a lot of cynicism

(iii) These plays underline the limitations of criminal vision

(iv) These plays present highly formalised and rather idealised picture of divine justice


(A) (i), (ii) & (i)

(B) (i), (ii) & (iii)

(C) (i), (ii) & (iv)

(D) All of the above

Ans: (D) All of the above

68. Who among the following English poets has written a poem on 1947 Partition of India?

(A) John Burton  (B) WH Auden  (C) WB Yeats  (D) Robert Frost

Ans: (B) WH Auden 

69. In literature, ________ means a sudden and often spiritual awakening, like when a character suddenly sees with clarity the way out of a predicament or a dilemma.

(A) Apostrophe (B) Epiphany (C) Imagery (D) Aisling

Ans: (B) Epiphany

70. Match the following:

i. M H Abrams                    a. Rabelais and His World

ii. G W Knight                     b. Black Skin, White Masks

iii. Franz Fanon                   c. The Mirror and the Lamp

iv. Mikhail Bakhtin              d. The Wheel of Fire

Codes: (A) i-b, ii- c, iii-a, iv-d

(B) i-c, ii-b, iii-d, iv-a

(C) i-c, ii- d, iii- b, iv-a

 (D) i-d, ii- c, iii-b, iv-a

Ans: (C) i-c, ii- d, iii- b, iv-a

71. Pick the odd one out among the following:

(A) Malgudi (C) Barsetshire (B) Yoknapatawpha County (D) Middlemarch

Ans: (D) Middlemarch

72. The practice of ending a drama with a god lowered to the stage by a mechanical apparatus, who resolves the dilemmas of the human characters is known as

(A) Deus ex machine (B) Deism (C) Carpe Diem (D) Euphuism

Ans: (A) Deus ex machine

73. The term "dissociation of sensibility" to describe the aesthetic frame of mind was first used by

(A) T. S. Eliot (B) Joseph Addison (C) Henry Home (D) JC RansomC.

Ans: (A) T. S. Eliot

74. What is the subtitle of Wordsworth's Prelude?

(A) The Modern Prometheus (B) The Wanderer (C) Growth of a Poet's Mind (D) A Dream

Ans: (C) Growth of a Poet's Mind

75. Identify the wrong combination of author and book:

(A) White Tiger - Hanif Qureshi,

(B) For Whom the Bells Tolls - Ernest Hemingway

(C) Of Mice and Men- John Steinbeck

(D) The Inheritance of Loss - Kiran Desai

Ans: (A) White Tiger - Hanif Qureshi,

76. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate option: is an American philosophical and spiritual movement, based in New England that focused on the primacy of the individual conscience and rejected materialism in favour of closer communion with nature.

Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Self-Reliance" and Henry David Thoreau's "Walden" are famous works of this movement.

(A) Dark Romanticism (B) Transcendentalism (C) Imagism (D) Formalism

Ans: (B) Transcendentalism

77. Which of the following statements are correct about the Literature of the Absurd ?

(i) The Human condition is essentially absurd

(ii) Human beings may be capable of heroism and dignity even in defeat

(iii) It is influenced by existential philosophy

(iv) The human world possesses no inherent truth, value and meaning


(A) i, iii & iv   (B) i, ii & iii  (C) ii, iii & iv (D) All of the above

Ans: (D) All of the above

78. Which of the following works does not have a mad woman as a character in it?

(A) The Yellow Wallpaper (B) The Mad Woman in the Attic (C) Jane Eyre (D) Wide Sargasso Sea

Ans: (B) The Mad Women in the Attic

79. Here is a list of early English plays imitating Greek and Latin plays. Pick the odd one out:

(A) Gorboduc (B) Tamburlaine (C) Ralph Roister Doister

 (D) Gammer Gurton's Needle

Ans: (B) Tamburlaine

80. Who among the following is associated with the ideology of Utilitarianism?     

(A) J. A. Froude (B) Charles Kingsley (C) J. S. Mill (D) Cardinal Newman

Ans: (C) J. S. Mill

81. In Charlotte Bronte's Villette the protagonist Lucy Snowe's profession is:

(A) Governess (B) Clerk in a bank (C) Member in the parliament (D) Teacher in girls' school

Ans: (D) Teacher in girls' school

82. The professed motive of the Movements Poets was to:

(A) Rebel against the modernist tendency of making poetry pedantic

(B) Critique the pitfalls of World War

(C) Challenge the symbolist way of writing poetry

(D) Subvert the capitalist culture

Ans: (A) Rebel against the modernist tendency of making poetry pedantic

83. "Colin Clout's Come Home" is:

(A) An elegy (B) A satire (C) An epic (D) A pastoral poem

Ans: (D) A pastoral poem 

84. Select the correct chronological sequence:

(A) Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth

(B) Macbeth, King Lear, Othello, Hamlet

(C) Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear

(D) King Lear, Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello

Ans: (A) Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth

85."Let Rome in Tiber melt, and the wide arch/Of the rang'd empire fall! Here is my space. these are the lines from:

(A) Julius Caesar (B) Antony and Cleopatra (C) Taming of the Shrew (D) Timon

Ans: (B) Antony and Cleopatra

86. ‘The Mariovian Overreacher' is term coined by:

 (A) T. S. Eliot (B) Matthew Arnold (C) Harry Levin (D) Dr. Johnson

Ans: Harry Levin

87. A Journal of the Plague Year is written by:

(A) Thomas Dekker (B) P. B. Shelley (C) Alexander Pope (D) Daniel Defoe

Ans: (D) Daniel Defoe

88. _________ the very word is like a bell. To toll me back from thee to my sole self! Which word?

(A) Bird   (B) Immortal   (C) Forlorn   (D) Fancy

Ans: (C) Forlorn  

89. Who among the following was NOT a member of the Scriblerus Club?

(A) Thomas Parnell    (C) Joseph Addison

 (B) Alexander Pope   (D) John Gay

Ans: (C) Joseph Addison

90. Which of the following is NOT a quest narrative ?

(A) Shelley's "Alastor"   (B) Byron's "Manfred"   (C) Coleridge's "Christabel"    (D) Keats's "Endymion"

Ans: (C) Coleridge's "Christabel"   

91. G. M. Hopkins's "Windhover" is dedicated:

(A) To Christ, our Lord     (B) To Christ our lord     (C) To no one                         (D) To Christ, the Lord

Ans: (B) To Christ our lord 

92. The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood - The University Wits - The Rhymers' Club - The Transitional Poets - The Scottish Chaucerians. The right chronological sequence would be:

(A) The Scottish Chaucerians - The University Wits - The Transitional Poets - The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood - The Rhymers' Club

(B) The Rhymers' Club-The University Wits- The Scottish Chaucerians - TheTransitional Poets- The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood

(C) The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood - The Rhymers' Club - The TransitionalPoets- The Scottish Chaucerians -The University Wits.

(D) The University Wits- The Scottish Chaucerians - The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood-The Transitional Poets - The Rhymers' Club

Ans: (A) The Scottish Chaucerians - The University Wits - The Transitional Poets - The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood - The Rhymers' Club

93. Which of the following work of Milton is a critique on 'censorship'?

(A) The Reason of Church Government  (B) Areopagitica  (C) On Divorce         (D) The Law of Freedom

Ans: (B) Areopagitica 

94. The Man of Feeling, Sir Charles Grandison, A Sentimental Journey – these works fall into the category of

(A) Gothic novel    (B) Epistolary novel    (C) Picaresque novel    (D) Sentimental novel

Ans: (D) Sentimental novel  

95. Identify the group of poets known as 'Cavalier poets':

(A) Roberts Herrick, Richard Lovelace, Thomas Carew, John Suckling

(B) Wilfred Owen, Rupert Brooke, Roberts Graves, Edward Thomas

(C) William Blake, Thomas Gray, Robert Burns

(D) Edmund Blunden, Walter de la Mare, Siegfried Sassoon

Ans: (A) Roberts Herrick, Richard Lovelace, Thomas Carew, John Suckling

96. The term 'egotistical sublime' was coined by:

(A) William Wordsworth   (C) John Milton   (B) John Keats    (D) William Blake

Ans: (B) John Keats   

97. 'True Wit is Nature to advantage dress'd/What oft was thought, but ne'er so well express'd;" this expression epitomizes the essence of the poetry of: -

(A) Romantic Age   (B) Elizabethan Sonnet tradition    (C) Metaphysical School (D) Neo-classical Age

Ans: (D) Neo-classical Age

98. "And we are here as on a darkling plain / Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, / Where ignorant armies clash by night." - these line are from the following poem:

(A) Tintern Abbey   (B) Ulysses  (C) Ode on a Grecian Urn  (D) Dover Beach   .

Ans: (D) Dover Beach  

99. The rhyme scheme of Shakespearean sonnet is:

(A) abbaabba cdecde   (B) abab cdcd efef gg   (C) abab bebe cdcd ee      (D) abab cdcd eded ff.

Ans: (B) abab cdcd efef gg  

100. The colony in Antigua is referred in which of the following novel:

(A) Hard Times     (B) Heart of Darkness      (C) Mansfield Park          (D) Joseph Andrews

Ans: (C) Mansfield Park   

50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 i50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrancemportant MCQ's for PG entranc50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance

50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important MCQ's for PG entrance50 important