Here are 50 important MCQs from Ancient, Medieval and Anglo Norman period in English literature

1 What was the change noticed in 'Literature' after Battle of Hastings?

(a) Completely new revolution in the field of literature
(b) Completely transformed the sentiments and tastes of English rulers
(c) Innovation of new poems and ballads
(d) New sentiments of French people were introduced

Ans: (b)Completely transformed the sentiments and tastes of English rulers

2 Which among the following is not the feature of French literature that Normans imported to England?

(a) Clarity of expression (b) Clarity of language
( c) Varied moods and themes
(d) Gloom and other worldly attitude

Ans: (d) Gloom and other worldly attitude

3 The first official document written inAnglo-Norman was

(a) Chancellor's Speech
(c) Mama Carta
(b) Statute Promulgated
(d) None of these

Ans: (b) Statute Promulgated

4 Example of Manuscript, which gives us an excellent picture of the literature in the Norman period?

(a) Ballads
(c) Seven Wise Masters
(b) Advocate's Library
(d) None of these

Ans: (b) Advocate's Library

5 Which of these plays is written in Old French?

(a) The Play of Adam
(b) Resussection of the Saviors
(c) The Play of St Nicholas
(d) Otuel

Ans: (a) The Play of Adam

6 What does Adam's name mean?

(a) First
(b) Foolish
(c) Father
(d) Man

Ans: (d) Man

7 From which part of Adam's body did God make Eve?

(a) Finger
(b) Rib
(c) Vertebra
(d) Shoulder

Ans: (b) Rib 

8 What tree were Adam and Eve forbidden to eat from?

(a) An Apple Tree
(b) The Tree of Life
(c) The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
(d) The Tree of Death

Ans: (c) The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

9 What kind of fruit did Adam and Eve eat?

(a) The Bible doesn't say (b) A Pomegranate
(c) An apple (d) Grapes

Ans: (c) An Apple

10 When Adam and Eve realised they were naked, what did they use to cover themselves?

(a) Fig leaves
(c) Animal furs
(b) Tree bark
(d) Feathers

Ans: (a) Fig leaves

11 How many years did Adam live?

(e) 305 years
(c) 608 years
(b) 777 years
(d) 930 years

Ans: (e) 305 years

12 Why did Adam hide himself from the Lord

(a)He was embarrassed because he realised he was naked
(b) He wanted the Lord to prove to him that he can see all
(c) He was ashamed of his wife's transgression
(d) He wanted to see if he could outwit the Lord

Ans: (a)He was embarrassed because he realised he was naked

13 What did the Lord not do as a result of the
disobedience of Adam and Eve? 

(a) Cause them to work the ground for food
(b) Cast them out of Eden and his presence
(c) Kill them instantly
(d) Give them the ability to feel emotion

Ans: (c) Kill them instantly

14 How did God curse the animal that deceived Eve?

(a) He sent it to live under the ground and never see light
(b) He forced it to live on the ground and in the dust
 (c) He caused it to be constantly hunted by all other animals
(d) He bound it to the skies and forbade it to ever perch and rest

Ans: (b) He forced it to live on the ground and in the dust

15 What does Eve's name mean?

(a) Mother of all living
(b) Blessed mother
(c) Mother of knowledge
(d) Mother of death

Ans: (a) Mother of all living

16 How did God say mankind was similar to him?

(a) They could create life
(b) They would live forever
(c) They could feel joy and sorrow
(d) They could know good from evil

Ans: (d) They could know good from evil

17 Why did God protect the tree of life?

(a) So that man would live forever
(b) So that Adam and Eve would not lose the ability to bear children
(c) To ensure that he could never be destroyed
(d) So that man couldn't obtain a means to live forever

Ans: (d) So that man couldn't obtain a means to live forever

18 What did God place at the East of the garden of Eden to guard the tree of life?

(a) A dragon with seven heads
(b) Cherubims and a flaming sword
(c) A seraph with six wings
(d) A pit of poisonous serpents

Ans: (b) Cherubims and a flaming sword

19 What did the Lord do for Adam and Eve before he exiled them?

(a) He armed them with weapons
(b) He allowed them to rest
(c) He fed them
(d) He clothed them

Ans: (d) He clothed them

20 Where did the term 'Xmas' come from?

(a) Newspaper editors first used it to save space in headlines
(b) It was created as a derogatory term for Christmas
(c) It was first used by department stores for 'Xmas Sale' signs
(d) The Greek letter 'X'

Ans: (d) The Greek letter 'X'

21 "The Romance Cycle of Rome' talks about

(a) Heroism of Chanson de Roland
(b)Deeds of Alexander and Fall of Troy
(c) Arthur Legendary
(d) Knights of Round Table

Ans: (b)Deeds of Alexander and Fall of Troy

22 The Romance stories during Anglo-Norman period were influenced by

(a) English and French sources
(b) English and Norman sources
(c) Latin and English sources
(d) Latin and French sources

Ans: (d) Latin and French sources

23 Which of the following is/are from the romance period?

(a) King Arthur
(c) Alexander the great
(b) The War of Troy
(d) All of these

Ans: (d) All of these

24 What is the collection of French literature 'Oriental Tales' called?

(a) Historical Regum Britanniae
(b) Meri Greenwood Men
(e) The Seven Wise Masters
(d) None of the above

Ans: (e) The Seven Wise Masters

25 Which is the only epic preserved in the Anglo-Norman script in the British Museum.

(a) Ipomedon
(b)Pelerinage de Charlemagne
(c) Romance of Horn
(d) None of the above

Ans: (b)Pelerinage de Charlemagne

26 Name the ballad, which is gradually collected into the Geste of Robin Hood?

(a) Land of Cockagne
(b) Merrie Greenwood Man
(c) The Owl and the Nightingale
(d) Luxury Land

Ans: b) Merrie Greenwood Man

27 Identify the poem, in which a lover sends to his mistress a love-greeting composed in three languages.

(a) Garly English Lyrics
(b) Plainte 'd' armour
(c) Seventy-one Ballads
(d) None of these

Ans: (b) Plainte 'd' armour

28 Identify out of the following, which is not covered in the satire 'Bounte' des Femmes"?

(a) Political Ambitions
(c) Courtesy
(b) Humility
(d) None of the above

Ans: (a) Political Ambitions

29 The most popular collection of fables in the middle ages was written by

(a) Marie de France
(c) William Caxton
(b) Thomas Malory
(d) Shakespeare

Ans: (a) Marie de France

30 Which of these works can be attributed to Christian de Troyes?

(a) The Nightingale
(c) Lancelot
(b) Yonec
( d) The Owl and the Nightingale

Ans: (c) Lancelot

31 Medieval romances had characters which of the following is not a character of them?

(a) Knights
(b) Warriors
(c) Beautiful women
(d) Religion

Ans: (d) Religion

32 During the Anglo Norman period the literature that contained stories from aristocratic class was called

(a) chionicles
(b) medieval romances
(c) brut
(d) histories

Ans: (b) medieval romances

33 "The Matter of Rome' talks about

(a) Heroism of Chanson de Roland
(b) Deeds of Alexander and Fall of Troy
(c) Arthur Legends
(d) Knights of Round Table

Ans: (b) Deeds of Alexander and Fall of Troy

34 Chaucer's father was a

(a) soldier
(b) wine-merchant
(c) diplomat
(d) owner of leather shoe factory

Ans: (b) wine-merchant

35 Which work of Chaucer, if written in prose style would have been celebrated as first English novel?

(a) The Parliament of Fowls
(b) The House of Fame
(c)Troilus and Criseyde
(d) Canterbury Tales

Ans: (c)Troilus and Criseyde

36 In which battle, was Troilus killed?

(a) Battle of Hastings
(b) Battle of Atlantic
(c) Falkland War
(d) Battle of Achilles

Ans: (d) Battle of Achilles

37 What is done by Pandarus in Troilus and Criseyde?

(a) Learn the secrets and bring the young people together
(b) Allows the marriage of Troilus and Criseyde
(c) Fight the war till the last breath
(d) United the two nations and brought peace and harmony

Ans: (a) Learn the secrets and bring the young people together

38 Cressida promised to herself that

(a) she will be happily live with her father
(b) she will be true to Troilus
(c) she will be true to Diomede
(d) she will be true to the country

Ans: (c) she will be true to Diomede

39 Which of the following tales in 'Chaucer's Canterbury Tales' is in prose?

(a) The Parliament of Foules
b) The Legend of Good Women
(c) The House of Fame
(d) The Book of Duchess

Ans: b) The Legend of Good Women

40 During which period Chaucer wrote most of his major works?

(a) When he was a soldier
(b) When he became a member of Parliament
(c) When he held the job of customs controller to London
(d) When he held the post of Diplomal

Ans: (c) When he held the job of customs controller to London

41 In Canterbury tales what is the name of the inn where the pilgrims meet before their journey?

(a) The Tabard
(c) The Tivoli
(b) The Talbot
(d) The Tolbooth

Ans: (a) The Tabard

42 Who was Igraine married to in 'Morte D' Arthur' before she got married to Uther Pendragon?

(a) The Duke of Tintagil (c) Sir Uwaine
(b) Sir Ironside (d) Sir Uriens

Ans: (a)  The Duke of Tintagil

43 Which word is applied to denote the whole translation from the middle ages to the modern world, is more correctly applied to the revival of art resulting from the discovery and imitation of classic models in the 14th century?

(a) Renaissance
(c) Restoration
(b) Reformation
(d) Humanism

Ans: (a) Renaissance

44 Which of the following is a prose story by Chaucer?

(a) Tale of Melibens
(c) Tale of Knight
(b) The Parson's Tale
(d) Both a and b

Ans: (d) Both a and b

45 Who among the following is well-known for book Morte d' Arthur?

(a) Malory
(c) Wycliffe
(b) Kyd
(d) Caxton

Ans: (a) Malory

46 Why is the Prologue to Canterbury Tales is called the Prologue to Modern Fiction?

(a) Realism
(c) Characterisation
(b) Humour
(d) Narrative unity

Ans: (d) Narrative unity

47 The great importance was assigned to intellect, to experience, to scientific experiment. This new out look was known as

(a) humanism
(c) renaissance
(b) revival
(d) psychology

Ans: (c) renaissance

48 What is the significance of the War of Roses?

(a) England and France had the same national flower-the rose
(b) The war occurred due to roses
(e) The rival faction in the war were symbolised by red and white roses respectively
(d) Rose symbolised the gruesomeners of war

Ans: (e) The rival faction in the war were symbolised by red and white roses respectively

49 The first man to set an independent printing press in England was

(a) Thomas Malory (c) William Caxton
(b) Wycliffe (d) Geoffrey Chaucer

Ans: (c) William Caxton

50 Who of the following was responsible for first usage of over 1,300 words in English language?

(a) William Caxton
(c) Sir Philip Sydney
(b) George Peele
(d) Thomas Malory

Ans: (a) William Caxton


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