100 important MCQs on Romantic Poetry 

Here are 100 important MCQs on Romantic Poetry in English Literature. This post is helpful for all the competitive exams related to English literature like NET, SET, GATE, etc. 

1. Who is known as the "Father of Romantic Poetry"?
   a. William Wordsworth
   b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
   c. John Keats
   d. Lord Byron

   **Answer: a. William Wordsworth**

2. Which poem by Coleridge is often considered a masterpiece of Romantic literature?
   a. "She Walks in Beauty"
   b. "Ode to a Nightingale"
   c. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"
   d. "To Autumn"

   **Answer: c. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner**

3. Which Romantic poet wrote "To a Skylark"?
   a. Percy Bysshe Shelley
   b. William Blake
   c. John Keats
   d. Lord Byron

   **Answer: a. Percy Bysshe Shelley**

4. In which work does William Blake express the concept of Innocence and Experience?
   a. "The Tyger"
   b. "Songs of Innocence and of Experience"
   c. "The Lamb"
   d. "To Autumn"

   **Answer: b. Songs of Innocence and of Experience**

5. Who wrote "Ode to the West Wind"?
   a. John Keats
   b. Percy Bysshe Shelley
   c. William Wordsworth
   d. Lord Byron

   **Answer: b. Percy Bysshe Shelley**

6. Which Romantic poet is associated with the term "negative capability"?
   a. William Wordsworth
   b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
   c. John Keats
   d. Lord Byron

   **Answer: c. John Keats**

7. Who composed "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey"?
   a. William Wordsworth
   b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
   c. John Keats
   d. Lord Byron

   **Answer: a. William Wordsworth**

8. Which poem opens with the line "I wandered lonely as a cloud"?
   a. "Kubla Khan"
   b. "Ode to a Nightingale"
   c. "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"
   d. "The Eve of St. Agnes"

   **Answer: c. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud**

9. Who wrote the narrative poem "Christabel"?
   a. William Blake
   b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
   c. Percy Bysshe Shelley
   d. Lord Byron

   **Answer: b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge**

10. Which Romantic poet was known for his celebration of nature and the rustic life?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. John Keats
    c. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    d. Lord Byron

    **Answer: a. William Wordsworth**

11. In "To Autumn," which season is personified as a harvester?
    a. Spring
    b. Summer
    c. Autumn
    d. Winter

    **Answer: c. Autumn**

12. Who wrote "The Prelude," an autobiographical poem?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Lord Byron

    **Answer: a. William Wordsworth**

13. Which Romantic poet wrote "When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be"?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. John Keats
    c. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    d. Lord Byron
    **Answer: b. John Keats**

14. In "Don Juan," who is the protagonist and a satirical representation of Byron himself?
    a. Juan
    b. Leila
    c. Haidee
    d. Byron

    **Answer: a. Juan**

15. Which Romantic poet is often associated with the concept of the "Byronic hero"?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Lord Byron

    **Answer: d. Lord Byron**

16. Who wrote the poem "To a Mouse" which begins with the famous line "Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie"?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. Robert Burns
    d. John Keats

    **Answer: c. Robert Burns**

17. Which poem is known for its portrayal of the speaker's encounter with a mysterious woman in a Gypsy camp?
    a. "Goblin Market"
    b. "Christabel"
    c. "Kubla Khan"
    d. "The Eve of St. Agnes"

    **Answer: d. The Eve of St. Agnes**

18. Who wrote the poem "Ode to a Nightingale"?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Percy Bysshe Shelley

    **Answer: c. John Keats**

19. In "Lines Written in Early Spring," the poet expresses a deep connection with:
    a. City life
    b. Nature
    c. Industrialization
    d. Social conventions

    **Answer: b. Nature**

20. Which Romantic poet collaborated with Wordsworth on the collection "Lyrical Ballads"?
    a. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    b. John Keats
    c. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    d. Lord Byron

    **Answer: a. Samuel Taylor Coleridge**

21. Who wrote "The Lamb" and "The Tyger" as part of his collection "Songs of Innocence and of Experience"?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. William Blake

    **Answer: d. William Blake**

22. Which Romantic poet is known for his emphasis on the supernatural and mysterious?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Lord Byron

    **Answer: b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge**

23. Who wrote "To Autumn," a poem celebrating the beauty and bounty of the season?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    **Answer: c. John Keats**

24. Which poem by Wordsworth reflects his belief in the spiritual significance of nature?
    a. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"
    b. "Tintern Abbey"
    c. "Ode to a Nightingale"
    d. "Don Juan"
    **Answer: b. Tintern Abbey**

25. Who wrote "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell," a work that challenges conventional views of good and evil?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. William Blake
    **Answer: d. William Blake**

26. In "The Eolian Harp," the poet expresses his thoughts on:
    a. The beauty of nature
    b. The power of the imagination
    c. The complexities of love
    d. The interconnectedness of humanity and the universe
    **Answer: b. The power of the imagination**

27. Who wrote the poem "She Walks in Beauty," known for its admiration of female beauty?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Lord Byron
    **Answer: d. Lord Byron**

28. Which Romantic poet's work often explores the themes of revolution and social justice?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    d. John Keats
    **Answer: c. Percy Bysshe Shelley**

29. In "The Prelude," what event in the natural world has a profound impact on Wordsworth?
    a. A thunderstorm
    b. An earthquake
    c. A sunrise
    d. A rainbow
    **Answer: a. A thunderstorm**

30. Who is the speaker in Coleridge's poem "Frost at Midnight"?
    a. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    b. His son
    c. A wandering poet
    d. A nightingale
    **Answer: a. Samuel Taylor Coleridge**

31. Which Romantic poet wrote "The Defense of Guenevere," challenging the traditional portrayal of women in literature?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. William Morris
    **Answer: d. William Morris**

32. In "Ode to a Nightingale," the speaker wishes to escape from:
    a. Aging and mortality
    b. Love and passion
    c. Artistic inspiration
    d. Political turmoil
    **Answer: a. Aging and mortality**

33. Who wrote "The Sorrows of Young Werther," a novel that influenced Romantic literature?
    a. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    b. Mary Shelley
    c. Jane Austen
    d. Charlotte Brontë
    **Answer: a. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe**

34. Which poem reflects Byron's reflections on the transience of fame and power?
    a. "To Autumn"
    b. "Ode to a Nightingale"
    c. "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage"
    d. "The Eve of St. Agnes"
    **Answer: c. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage**

35. Who is the central character in Keats's "La Belle Dame sans Merci"?
    a. A knight
    b. A shepherd
    c. A king
    d. A witch
    **Answer: a. A knight**

36. Which work by Mary Shelley is often considered a Romantic masterpiece that explores themes of creation and morality?
    a. "Frankenstein"
    b. "Wuthering Heights"
    c. "Pride and Prejudice"
    d. "Jane Eyre"
    **Answer: a. Frankenstein**

37. Who is the author of "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame," a novel that reflects Romantic interest in medieval settings?
    a. Victor Hugo
    b. Charles Dickens
    c. Leo Tolstoy
    d. Fyodor Dostoevsky
    **Answer: a. Victor Hugo**

38. Which Romantic poet is known for his "Ode to the Grecian Urn"?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    **Answer: c. John Keats**

39. In "Goblin Market," who risks her own life to save her sister from goblin fruit?
    a. Lizzie
    b. Laura
    c. Jeanie
    d. Mary
    **Answer: a. Lizzie**

40. Who wrote "The Lady of Shalott," a narrative poem that explores the themes of love and isolation?
    a. Alfred Lord Tennyson
    b. John Keats
    c. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    d. Lord Byron
    **Answer: a. Alfred Lord Tennyson**

41. What is the central theme of Coleridge's poem "Kubla Khan"?
    a. Nature's beauty
    b. The supernatural
    c. Romantic imagination
    d. Historical conquest
    **Answer: c. Romantic imagination**

42. Who wrote "Prometheus Unbound," a lyrical drama advocating for social and political change?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    d. Lord Byron
    **Answer: c. Percy Bysshe Shelley**

43. In "The Ballad of Reading Gaol," who reflects on the harsh realities of prison life?
    a. John Keats
    b. Oscar Wilde
    c. Robert Browning
    d. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
    **Answer: b. Oscar Wilde**

44. Who wrote "The Prelude," an autobiographical poem that explores the growth of the poet's mind?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    **Answer: a. William Wordsworth**

45. Which Romantic poet is known for his exploration of the supernatural and Gothic elements in his works?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Lord Byron
    **Answer: d. Lord Byron**

46. Who wrote "The Fall of the House of Usher," a Gothic tale that reflects Romantic themes of madness and the supernatural?
    a. Edgar Allan Poe
    b. Nathaniel Hawthorne
    c. Washington Irving
    d. Herman Melville
    **Answer: a. Edgar Allan Poe**

47. In "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," what consequence does the Mariner face for killing the albatross?
    a. Eternal happiness
    b. Eternal damnation
    c. Eternal youth
    d. Eternal wisdom
    **Answer: b. Eternal damnation**

48. Which poem by Wordsworth begins with the famous line "I wandered lonely as a cloud"?
    a. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"
    b. "Tintern Abbey"
    c. "Ode to a Nightingale"
    d. "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"
    **Answer: d. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud**

49. Who wrote "Aurora Leigh," a novel in verse that explores the challenges faced by a female poet?
    a. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
    b. Emily Dickinson
    c. Christina Rossetti
    d. Mary Shelley
    **Answer: a. Elizabeth Barrett Browning**

50. Which Romantic poet is associated with the concept of "Spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings"?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    **Answer: a. William Wordsworth**

I hope you found the previous questions helpful. Let's continue:

51. Who wrote the poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," exploring modernist themes alongside Romantic influences?
    a. T.S. Eliot
    b. Ezra Pound
    c. W.B. Yeats
    d. Robert Frost
    **Answer: a. T.S. Eliot**

52. Which Romantic poet is known for his innovative use of language and is considered a precursor to the Symbolist movement?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Gerard Manley Hopkins
    **Answer: d. Gerard Manley Hopkins**

53. In "The Goblin Market," what do the goblin fruits symbolize?
    a. Temptation and sin
    b. Innocence and purity
    c. Nature's bounty
    d. Romantic love
    **Answer: a. Temptation and sin**

54. Who wrote "The Windhover," a poem that celebrates the beauty and majesty of a bird in flight?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Gerard Manley Hopkins
    **Answer: d. Gerard Manley Hopkins**

55. Which Romantic poet is known for his exploration of the darker aspects of human psychology and nature?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Lord Byron
    **Answer: d. Lord Byron**

56. Who wrote "The Second Coming," a poem that reflects on the chaotic post-World War I era?
    a. W.B. Yeats
    b. T.S. Eliot
    c. Ezra Pound
    d. Robert Frost
    **Answer: a. W.B. Yeats**

57. Which Romantic poet wrote "To Autumn," capturing the beauty and melancholy of the season?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    **Answer: c. John Keats**

58. Who is the author of "The Prelude," an autobiographical poem that explores the growth of the poet's mind?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    **Answer: a. William Wordsworth**

59. Which Romantic poet is known for his collection "The Songs of Experience"?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. William Blake
    **Answer: d. William Blake**

60. In "Ode on a Grecian Urn," what does Keats claim is "truth"?
    a. Beauty
    b. Love
    c. Art
    d. Time
    **Answer: c. Art**

61. Who wrote "The Lady of Shalott," a narrative poem that explores themes of love and isolation?
    a. Alfred Lord Tennyson
    b. John Keats
    c. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    d. Lord Byron
    **Answer: a. Alfred Lord Tennyson**

62. Which Romantic poet is known for his lyrical ballads and nature-inspired poetry, such as "Lines Written in Early Spring"?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    **Answer: a. William Wordsworth**

63. Who wrote "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde," a Gothic novella exploring the duality of human nature?
    a. Mary Shelley
    b. Bram Stoker
    c. Robert Louis Stevenson
    d. Edgar Allan Poe
    **Answer: c. Robert Louis Stevenson**

64. In "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage," what is Childe Harold's attitude towards society and his own existence?
    a. Celebratory
    b. Melancholic
    c. Complacent
    d. Optimistic
    **Answer: b. Melancholic**

65. Which Romantic poet is known for his contributions to the literary ballad form with poems like "La Belle Dame sans Merci"?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Lord Byron
    **Answer: c. John Keats**

66. Who wrote "The Song of Hiawatha," a narrative poem drawing on Native American mythology?
    a. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
    b. Edgar Allan Poe
    c. Walt Whitman
    d. Emily Dickinson
    **Answer: a. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow**

67. Which Romantic poet is known for his association with the Lake District and his focus on rustic life?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    **Answer: a. William Wordsworth**

68. In "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," what symbolic creature does the mariner shoot with his crossbow?
    a. Albatross
    b. Dolphin
    c. Sea serpent
    d. Shark
    **Answer: a. Albatross**

69. Who wrote "A Tale of Two Cities," a historical novel set during the French Revolution?
    a. Charles Dickens
    b. Jane Austen
    c. Charlotte Brontë
    d. Thomas Hardy
    **Answer: a. Charles Dickens**

70. Which poem by Coleridge is known for its vivid description of a mysterious woman in a Gypsy camp?
    a. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"
    b. "Kubla Khan"
    c. "Christabel"
    d. "The Eve of St. Agnes"
    **Answer: c. Christabel**

Certainly! Let's keep going:

71. Who wrote "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey," expressing the poet's reflections on nature and memory?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    **Answer: a. William Wordsworth**

72. In "The Tyger" by William Blake, what does the tiger symbolize?
    a. Innocence
    b. Experience
    c. Nature
    d. Industry
    **Answer: b. Experience**

73. Which Romantic poet is known for his concept of the "egotistical sublime" and his work "Prometheus Unbound"?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    d. Lord Byron
    **Answer: c. Percy Bysshe Shelley**

74. Who wrote "The Charge of the Light Brigade," commemorating a disastrous military charge during the Crimean War?
    a. Alfred Lord Tennyson
    b. Robert Browning
    c. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
    d. Christina Rossetti
    **Answer: a. Alfred Lord Tennyson**

75. In "The Eve of St. Agnes," what is the significance of St. Agnes's Eve for the lovers?
    a. It is a night of celebration
    b. It is believed to bring good luck
    c. It is a night for forbidden love
    d. It is a night of fasting and prayer
    **Answer: c. It is a night for forbidden love**

76. Which poem by Wordsworth describes the poet's encounter with a leech-gatherer during a walk in the Lake District?
    a. "Tintern Abbey"
    b. "The Prelude"
    c. "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"
    d. "Lines Written in Early Spring"
    **Answer: b. The Prelude**

77. Who is the author of "Wuthering Heights," a Gothic novel that explores themes of passion and revenge?
    a. Emily Brontë
    b. Charlotte Brontë
    c. Jane Austen
    d. Mary Shelley
    **Answer: a. Emily Brontë**

78. Which Romantic poet wrote "Manfred," a dramatic poem that delves into the psyche of the titular character?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    d. Lord Byron
    **Answer: d. Lord Byron**

79. Who wrote "The Red Badge of Courage," a novel exploring the psychological impact of war on a young soldier?
    a. Stephen Crane
    b. Mark Twain
    c. Nathaniel Hawthorne
    d. Herman Melville
    **Answer: a. Stephen Crane**

80. In "The Lady of Shalott," what tragic fate befalls the lady when she leaves her tower?
    a. She is cursed to eternal sleep
    b. She is struck by lightning
    c. She is kidnapped by a knight
    d. She dies in a boat on the river
    **Answer: d. She dies in a boat on the river**

81. Who wrote "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard," a reflective poem contemplating life, death, and the passage of time?
    a. Thomas Gray
    b. John Keats
    c. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    d. Lord Byron
    **Answer: a. Thomas Gray**

82. Which Romantic poet is known for his collection "Sonnets from the Portuguese," dedicated to her husband?
    a. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
    b. Emily Dickinson
    c. Christina Rossetti
    d. Mary Shelley
    **Answer: a. Elizabeth Barrett Browning**

83. In "To a Mouse" by Robert Burns, what famous line reflects the poet's empathy towards the small creature?
    a. "To a mouse, thou art small, but not insignificant."
    b. "Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie."
    c. "Little creature, don't fear, I mean you no harm."
    d. "In the field of life, even the smallest have their worth."
    **Answer: b. "Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie."**

84. Who wrote "Endymion," an epic poem that explores themes of love and beauty?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    **Answer: c. John Keats**

85. Which Romantic poet is known for his collection "The Raven and Other Poems," including the famous poem "The Raven"?
    a. Edgar Allan Poe
    b. Nathaniel Hawthorne
    c. Washington Irving
    d. Herman Melville
    **Answer: a. Edgar Allan Poe**

86. Who is the author of "Jane Eyre," a novel that combines elements of Gothic and Romantic literature?
    a. Charlotte Brontë
    b. Emily Brontë
    c. Jane Austen
    d. Mary Shelley
    **Answer: a. Charlotte Brontë**

87. In "The Goblin Market," what sacrifice does Lizzie make to save her sister Laura?
    a. Her voice
    b. Her hair
    c. Her eyes
    d. Her heart
    **Answer: b. Her hair**

88. Which Romantic poet is known for his "Ode to the West Wind" and his association with the Shelleys and Byron in the "Pisa Circle"?
    a. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    b. John Keats
    c. William Wordsworth
    d. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    **Answer: a. Percy Bysshe Shelley**

89. Who wrote "The Last of the Mohicans," a historical novel set during the French and Indian War?
    a. James Fenimore Cooper
    b. Nathaniel Hawthorne
    c. Washington Irving
    d. Herman Melville
    **Answer: a. James Fenimore Cooper**

90. In "The Eve of St. Agnes," what happens when Porphyro is discovered in Madeline's chamber?
    a. He is welcomed by Madeline
    b. He is chased away by Madeline's family
    c. He disappears mysteriously
    d. He is mistaken for a ghost

    **Answer: b. He is chased away by Madeline's family**

91. Who wrote "The Rape of the Lock," a mock-heroic poem satirizing the triviality of social manners?
    a. Alexander Pope
    b. Jonathan Swift
    c. Samuel Johnson
    d. Daniel Defoe

    **Answer: a. Alexander Pope**

92. Which Romantic poet is known for his exploration of the supernatural in poems like "The Highwayman"?
    a. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    b. Alfred Noyes
    c. Lord Byron
    d. William Wordsworth

    **Answer: b. Alfred Noyes**

93. Who is the author of "The Scarlet Letter," a novel that delves into the consequences of sin in Puritan society?
    a. Nathaniel Hawthorne
    b. Edgar Allan Poe
    c. Herman Melville
    d. Louisa May Alcott

    **Answer: a. Nathaniel Hawthorne**

94. In "The Goblin Market," what is the consequence of eating the goblin fruit?
    a. Eternal happiness
    b. Eternal youth
    c. A curse or death
    d. Enhanced intelligence

    **Answer: c. A curse or death**

95. Which Romantic poet is known for his philosophical poem "The Prelude" and his friendship with Coleridge?
    a. William Wordsworth
    b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    c. John Keats
    d. Percy Bysshe Shelley

    **Answer: a. William Wordsworth**

96. Who wrote "Goblin Market," a poem with themes of temptation and salvation?
    a. Christina Rossetti
    b. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
    c. Emily Dickinson
    d. Charlotte Brontë

    **Answer: a. Christina Rossetti**

97. In "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," what does Prufrock fear the most?
    a. Aging
    b. Love
    c. Rejection
    d. Social judgment

    **Answer: d. Social judgment**

98. Which Romantic poet is known for his collection "Leaves of Grass" and his celebration of the individual and democracy?
    a. Walt Whitman
    b. Ralph Waldo Emerson
    c. Emily Dickinson
    d. Edgar Allan Poe

    **Answer: a. Walt Whitman**

99. Who wrote "The Monk," a Gothic novel that explores themes of sin and corruption?
    a. Ann Radcliffe
    b. Matthew Lewis
    c. Mary Shelley
    d. William Godwin

    **Answer: b. Matthew Lewis**

100. In "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," what supernatural being saves the mariner and the ship's crew?
    a. Angels
    b. Spirits of the sea
    c. Ghosts of dead sailors
    d. A hermit

    **Answer: d. A hermit**

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100 important MCQs on Romantic Poetry 
 100 important MCQs on Romantic Poetry 
100 important MCQs on Romantic Poetry 
100 important MCQs on Romantic Poetry 
100 important MCQs on Romantic Poetry 
100 important MCQs on Romantic Poetry 
100 important MCQs on Romantic Poetry 
100 important MCQs on Romantic Poetry 
100 important MCQs on Romantic Poetry 
100 important MCQs on Romantic Poetry 
100 important MCQs on Romantic Poetry 
100 important MCQs on Romantic Poetry 
100 important MCQs on Romantic Poetry