Literary Theory: 100 Important MCQs

Here are 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on literary theory in English Literature, each with correct answers provided below the options:

What literary theory emphasizes the role of power, ideology, and social structures in shaping literature?
   a. Formalism  
   b. Feminism  
   c. Marxism  
   d. Psychoanalysis  

   Correct Answer: c. Marxism

Which literary theory focuses on the way language constructs meaning and influences perception?

   a. Structuralism  
   b. Deconstruction  
   c. Reader-Response  
   d. New Criticism  

   Correct Answer: a. Structuralism

   What theory examines literature by considering the author's biography, historical context, and cultural influences?

   a. New Historicism  
   b. Postcolonialism  
   c. Queer Theory  
   d. Ecocriticism  

   Correct Answer: a. New Historicism

   Who is associated with the psychoanalytic literary theory, exploring the influence of the unconscious mind on literature?

   a. Sigmund Freud  
   b. Jacques Derrida  
   c. Roland Barthes  
   d. Michel Foucault  

   Correct Answer: a. Sigmund Freud

   Which literary theory examines the representation of gender roles and challenges traditional norms in literature?

   a. Marxism  
   b. Feminism  
   c. Queer Theory  
   d. Poststructuralism  

   Correct Answer: b. Feminism

   What theory suggests that the meaning of a text is created by the reader's interpretation and response?

   a. Reader-Response  
   b. Formalism  
   c. Structuralism  
   d. New Criticism  

   Correct Answer: a. Reader-Response

   Who coined the term "The Death of the Author," suggesting that the author's intentions are not crucial to the interpretation of a text?

   a. Jacques Derrida  
   b. Roland Barthes  
   c. Michel Foucault  
   d. Julia Kristeva  

   Correct Answer: b. Roland Barthes

   Which literary theory examines the relationship between literature and the environment, emphasizing ecological concerns?

   a. Ecocriticism  
   b. Postcolonialism  
   c. Queer Theory  
   d. Formalism  

   Correct Answer: a. Ecocriticism

   In postcolonial theory, what term refers to the cultural dominance and imposition of one culture over another?

   a. Ethnocentrism  
   b. Cultural Relativism  
   c. Orientalism  
   d. Globalization  

   Correct Answer: c. Orientalism 

    Which literary theory explores the representation and experiences of marginalized groups, particularly in relation to race and ethnicity?

    a. Queer Theory  
    b. Marxism  
    c. Postcolonialism  
    d. Cultural Studies  

    Correct Answer: c. Postcolonialism

    Which literary theory focuses on the idea that a text's meaning is not fixed and can have multiple interpretations?

    a. New Criticism  
    b. Deconstruction  
    c. Formalism  
    d. Structuralism  

    Correct Answer: b. Deconstruction

    Who is associated with the concept of the "Gaze" in literary theory, examining power dynamics in visual representation?

    a. Michel Foucault  
    b. Jacques Lacan  
    c. Laura Mulvey  
    d. Edward Said  

    Correct Answer: c. Laura Mulvey

    What literary theory focuses on the exploration of language's role in shaping our perception of reality and the self?

    a. New Historicism  
    b. Psychoanalysis  
    c. Linguistic Criticism  
    d. Queer Theory  

    Correct Answer: c. Linguistic Criticism

    Which theorist is known for emphasizing the importance of the "Intentional Fallacy," arguing against considering the author's intentions in interpreting a text?

    a. W. K. Wimsatt  
    b. E.D. Hirsch  
    c. Cleanth Brooks  
    d. Northrop Frye  

    Correct Answer: a. W. K. Wimsatt

    What literary theory examines the representation of sexual identities and challenges heteronormativity in literature?

    a. Queer Theory  
    b. Feminism  
    c. Marxism  
    d. Structuralism  

    Correct Answer: a. Queer Theory

    In structuralist theory, what term refers to the smallest unit of meaning in language?

    a. Signifier  
    b. Symbol  
    c. Sign  
    d. Semiotics  

    Correct Answer: a. Signifier

    Who is known for introducing the concept of the "Simulacrum" in postmodern literary theory?

    a. Jean-François Lyotard  
    b. Roland Barthes  
    c. Baudrillard  
    d. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak  

    Correct Answer: c. Baudrillard

    Which literary theory emphasizes the impact of economic and class structures on the creation and reception of literature? 

    a. Formalism  
    b. Marxism  
    c. New Criticism  
    d. Psychoanalysis  

    Correct Answer: b. Marxism

    In New Criticism, what term is used to describe the unity and interdependence of various elements within a literary work?

    a. Intertextuality  
    b. Irony  
    c. Ambiguity  
    d. Organic Unity  

    Correct Answer: d. Organic Unity

    Which literary theory explores the ways in which literature reflects and shapes cultural attitudes towards race and ethnicity?

    a. Cultural Studies  
    b. Postcolonialism  
    c. Ecocriticism  
    d. Queer Theory  

Correct Answer: a. Cultural Studies

Certainly! Here are 10 additional multiple-choice questions on literary theory in English Literature:

    Which literary theory emphasizes the significance of the reader's role in interpreting and creating meaning within a text? 

    a. New Criticism  
    b. Reader-Response Criticism  
    c. Structuralism  
    d. Formalism  

    *SpivaCorrect Answer: b. Reader-Response Criticism

    Who is known for coining the term "The Anxiety of Influence," suggesting that poets struggle with the influence of earlier writers?

    a. T.S. Eliot  
    b. Harold Bloom  
    c. F.R. Leavis  
    d. Northrop Frye  

    Correct Answer: b. Harold Bloom

   Which literary theory examines the ways in which literature reflects and challenges the dominant ideologies in a society?

    a. Cultural Studies  
    b. Marxism  
    c. Formalism  
    d. New Historicism  

    Correct Answer: a. Cultural Studies

    *In psychoanalytic theory, what term refers to the unconscious and irrational desires that are repressed in an individual's psyche?*

    a. Id  
    b. Ego  
    c. Superego  
    d. Libido  

    Correct Answer: a. Id

    Who is associated with the concept of "Dialogism," emphasizing the interactive and dynamic nature of language in literature?

    a. Mikhail Bakhtin  
    b. Jacques Derrida  
    c. Julia Kristeva  
    d. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak  

    Correct Answer: a. Mikhail Bakhtin

    Which literary theory examines the role of power and discourse in constructing and perpetuating social norms?

    a. Feminism  
    b. Queer Theory  
    c. Postcolonialism  
    d. Discourse Analysis  

    Correct Answer: d. Discourse Analysis

    What term is used in New Criticism to describe a deliberate contradiction or contrast between elements in a literary work?

    a. Symbolism  
    b. Paradox  
    c. Irony  
    d. Ambiguity  

    Correct Answer: b. Paradox

    Which literary theory emphasizes the importance of examining a text in its historical and cultural context?

    a. New Criticism  
    b. Formalism  
    c. New Historicism  
    d. Structuralism  

    Correct Answer: c. New Historicism

    In postcolonial theory, what term refers to the appropriation and distortion of the culture of a colonized people?

    a. Hybridity  
    b. Mimicry  
    c. Subaltern  
    d. Othering  

    Correct Answer: b. Mimicry

    Which literary theory focuses on the relationship between literature and the unconscious mind, exploring symbolism and dreams in texts?

    a. Structuralism  
    b. Psychoanalysis  
    c. Deconstruction  
    d. New Criticism  

    Correct Answer: b. Psychoanalysis

   What literary theory explores the concept of intertextuality, suggesting that texts are interconnected through references and allusions?

   a. Formalism  
   b. Deconstruction  
   c. Intertextualism  
   d. Reader-Response Criticism

   Correct Answer: c. Intertextualism

   Who introduced the idea of the "Panopticon," influencing discussions on surveillance and power dynamics in literature?

   a. Michel Foucault  
   b. Jacques Lacan  
   c. Edward Said  
   d. Julia Kristeva

   Correct Answer: a. Michel Foucault

   In structuralist theory, what term is used to describe the underlying structure or system that governs the relationships between elements in a text?

   a. Paradigm  
   b. Syntagm  
   c. Dystopia  
   d. Archetype

   Correct Answer: a. Paradigm

   Which literary theory examines the representation of disability in literature and challenges societal perceptions of normalcy?

   a. Disability Studies  
   b. Postcolonialism  
   c. Queer Theory  
   d. Formalism

   Correct Answer: a. Disability Studies

   Who is known for introducing the concept of "Heteroglossia," emphasizing the coexistence of diverse voices and languages in literature?

   a. Jacques Derrida  
   b. Mikhail Bakhtin  
   c. Roland Barthes  
   d. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

   Correct Answer: b. Mikhail Bakhtin

   What literary theory examines the ways in which literature reflects and challenges gender norms and stereotypes?

   a. Feminism  
   b. Marxism  
   c. New Criticism  
   d. Cultural Studies

   Correct Answer: a. Feminism

   In deconstructive theory, what term refers to the inherent contradictions and uncertainties within a text?

   a. Supplement  
   b. Differance  
   c. Trace  
   d. Simulacrum

   Correct Answer: b. Differance

   Which literary theory focuses on the representation of animals in literature and explores human-animal relationships?

   a. Animal Studies  
   b. Ecofeminism  
   c. Queer Theory  
   d. Structuralism

   Correct Answer: a. Animal Studies

   Who is associated with the concept of the "Wandering Signifier" in postcolonial theory, exploring the complexities of cultural identity?

   a. Edward Said  
   b. Homi Bhabha  
   c. Frantz Fanon  
   d. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

   Correct Answer: b. Homi Bhabha

   In New Criticism, what term is used to describe the emotional or intellectual impact created by a literary work?

   a. Aesthetic Distance  
   b. Affective Fallacy  
   c. Catharsis  
   d. Atmosphere

   Correct Answer: b. Affective Fallacy

   What literary theory focuses on the examination of power dynamics, knowledge production, and social institutions in literature?

   a. Cultural Studies  
   b. New Historicism  
   c. Postcolonialism  
   d. Foucauldian Criticism

   Correct Answer: d. Foucauldian Criticism

   In feminist literary theory, what term refers to the reinforcement of patriarchal norms through literature?

   a. Heteronormativity  
   b. Androcentrism  
   c. Patriarchal Discourse  
   d. Homosociality

   Correct Answer: b. Androcentrism

   Who is known for introducing the concept of the "Rhizome," suggesting a non-hierarchical, interconnected model of thought in literature?

   a. Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari  
   b. Jacques Derrida  
   c. Julia Kristeva  
   d. Roland Barthes

   Correct Answer: a. Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari

   Which literary theory examines the ways in which literature reflects and challenges economic structures and globalization?

   a. Marxist Criticism  
   b. World-System Theory  
   c. Postcolonialism  
   d. Cultural Studies

   Correct Answer: b. World-System Theory

   In queer theory, what term refers to the process of revealing and challenging the assumed norms of gender and sexuality?

   a. Performativity  
   b. Subversion  
   c. Heteronormativity  
   d. Queer Eye

   Correct Answer: b. Subversion

   Who is known for coining the term "Postmodernism" and emphasizing the fragmentation and pluralism in contemporary literature?

   a. Jean-François Lyotard  
   b. Fredric Jameson  
   c. Michel Foucault  
   d. Jacques Derrida

   Correct Answer: a. Jean-François Lyotard

   What term is used in postcolonial theory to describe the blending and interaction of different cultures, often as a result of colonial encounters?

   a. Cultural Hybridity  
   b. Mimicry  
   c. Diaspora  
   d. Subalternity

   Correct Answer: a. Cultural Hybridity

   Which literary theory explores the representation of madness and mental illness in literature, challenging societal perceptions?

   a. Psychonarratology  
   b. Ecocriticism  
   c. Disability Studies  
   d. Queer Theory

   Correct Answer: a. Psychonarratology

   In poststructuralist theory, what term is used to describe the instability of meaning and the impossibility of fixed interpretations?

   a. Derridian Différance  
   b. Simulacrum  
   c. Rhizome  
   d. Binary Opposition

   Correct Answer: a. Derridian Différance

   What literary theory examines the ways in which literature represents and engages with the impact of technology on society?

   a. Technocriticism  
   b. Postcolonialism  
   c. Formalism  
   d. New Criticism

   Correct Answer: a. Technocriticism

51. Question:
   In literary theory, what term refers to the deliberate use of ambiguous or contradictory language to convey multiple meanings?

   a. Ambiguity  
   b. Paradox  
   c. Irony  
   d. Oxymoron

   Correct Answer: a. Ambiguity

52. Question:
   Which literary theory examines the ways in which literature reflects and critiques the structures of power and authority within society?

   a. Cultural Studies  
   b. Foucauldian Criticism  
   c. New Historicism  
   d. Structuralism

   Correct Answer: b. Foucauldian Criticism

53. Question:
   What term is used in deconstructive theory to describe the process of revealing the inherent contradictions within a text?

   a. Derridian Différance  
   b. Deconstruction  
   c. Subversion  
   d. Intertextuality

   Correct Answer: b. Deconstruction

54. Question:
   In feminist literary theory, what term is used to describe the representation of women as passive objects to be observed and desired?

   a. Patriarchal Gaze  
   b. Feminine Mystique  
   c. Heteronormativity  
   d. Androcentrism

   Correct Answer: a. Patriarchal Gaze

55. Question:
   Who is known for developing the concept of "Archetypal Criticism," exploring universal symbols and themes in literature?

   a. Joseph Campbell  
   b. Northrop Frye  
   c. Carl Jung  
   d. T.S. Eliot

   Correct Answer: b. Northrop Frye

56. Question:
   In postcolonial theory, what term is used to describe the process through which colonized individuals internalize and imitate the culture of the colonizer?

   a. Cultural Hybridity  
   b. Mimicry  
   c. Diaspora  
   d. Subalternity

   Correct Answer: b. Mimicry

57. Question:
   What literary theory focuses on the analysis of narrative structures and storytelling techniques in literature?

   a. Narratology  
   b. Structuralism  
   c. Psychoanalysis  
   d. Formalism

   Correct Answer: a. Narratology

58. Question:
   Who introduced the concept of "Orientalism," examining Western representations of the East in literature and art?

   a. Edward Said  
   b. Frantz Fanon  
   c. Homi Bhabha  
   d. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

   Correct Answer: a. Edward Said

59. Question:
   In structuralist theory, what term refers to the underlying system of signs and meanings in language?

   a. Signifier  
   b. Semiotics  
   c. Dystopia  
   d. Paradigm

   Correct Answer: b. Semiotics

60. Question:
   Which literary theory explores the ways in which literature engages with and reflects societal attitudes towards the environment and nature?

   a. Ecocriticism  
   b. Animal Studies  
   c. Technocriticism  
   d. Formalism

   Correct Answer: a. Ecocriticism

   What term is used in cultural studies to describe the process through which certain cultural practices become accepted as the norm?

   a. Cultural Hegemony  
   b. Cultural Hybridity  
   c. Cultural Relativism  
   d. Cultural Imperialism

   Correct Answer: a. Cultural Hegemony

   In psychoanalytic theory, what term refers to the defense mechanism where an individual attributes their undesirable feelings to another person or object?

   a. Projection  
   b. Repression  
   c. Sublimation  
   d. Regression

   Correct Answer: a. Projection

   Who is known for coining the term "The Uncanny" in psychoanalytic literary theory, exploring the unsettling and familiar aspects of literature?

   a. Jacques Lacan  
   b. Sigmund Freud  
   c. Julia Kristeva  
   d. Roland Barthes

   Correct Answer: b. Sigmund Freud

   In structuralist theory, what term refers to the combination of signifier and signified, creating meaning within a linguistic system?

   a. Syntagm  
   b. Differance  
   c. Binary Opposition  
   d. Semiotics

   Correct Answer: a. Syntagm

   Which literary theory emphasizes the role of language in shaping and reinforcing cultural norms and power structures?

   a. Linguistic Criticism  
   b. Postcolonialism  
   c. Queer Theory  
   d. Formalism

   Correct Answer: a. Linguistic Criticism

   Who is associated with the concept of "Double Consciousness," exploring the internal conflict experienced by individuals belonging to marginalized groups?

   a. W.E.B. Du Bois  
   b. Frantz Fanon  
   c. bell hooks  
   d. Audre Lorde

   Correct Answer: a. W.E.B. Du Bois

   What literary theory examines the ways in which literature engages with and challenges traditional notions of time and temporality?

   a. Temporal Criticism  
   b. New Historicism  
   c. Psychoanalysis  
   d. Formalism

   Correct Answer: b. New Historicism

   In deconstructive theory, what term is used to describe the process of revealing and questioning the binary oppositions within a text?

   a. Derridian Différance  
   b. Supplement  
   c. Trace  
   d. Simulacrum

   Correct Answer: b. Supplement

   Which literary theory explores the ways in which literature reflects and challenges societal norms and expectations related to gender and sexuality?

   a. Queer Theory  
   b. Psychoanalysis  
   c. Marxism  
   d. Feminism

   Correct Answer: a. Queer Theory

   In postcolonial theory, what term refers to the practice of using Western standards to judge and evaluate non-Western cultures?

   a. Cultural Hybridity  
   b. Ethnocentrism  
   c. Mimicry  
   d. Diaspora

   Correct Answer: b. Ethnocentrism
   What term is used in cultural studies to describe the process through which certain cultural practices become accepted as the norm?

   a. Cultural Hegemony  
   b. Cultural Hybridity  
   c. Cultural Relativism  
   d. Cultural Imperialism

   Correct Answer: a. Cultural Hegemony

   In psychoanalytic theory, what term refers to the defense mechanism where an individual attributes their undesirable feelings to another person or object?

   a. Projection  
   b. Repression  
   c. Sublimation  
   d. Regression

   Correct Answer: a. Projection

   Who is known for coining the term "The Uncanny" in psychoanalytic literary theory, exploring the unsettling and familiar aspects of literature?

   a. Jacques Lacan  
   b. Sigmund Freud  
   c. Julia Kristeva  
   d. Roland Barthes

   Correct Answer: b. Sigmund Freud

   In structuralist theory, what term refers to the combination of signifier and signified, creating meaning within a linguistic system?

   a. Syntagm  
   b. Differance  
   c. Binary Opposition  
   d. Semiotics

   Correct Answer: a. Syntagm

   Which literary theory emphasizes the role of language in shaping and reinforcing cultural norms and power structures?

   a. Linguistic Criticism  
   b. Postcolonialism  
   c. Queer Theory  
   d. Formalism

   Correct Answer: a. Linguistic Criticism

   Who is associated with the concept of "Double Consciousness," exploring the internal conflict experienced by individuals belonging to marginalized groups?

   a. W.E.B. Du Bois  
   b. Frantz Fanon  
   c. bell hooks  
   d. Audre Lorde

   Correct Answer: a. W.E.B. Du Bois

   What literary theory examines the ways in which literature engages with and challenges traditional notions of time and temporality?

   a. Temporal Criticism  
   b. New Historicism  
   c. Psychoanalysis  
   d. Formalism

   Correct Answer: b. New Historicism

   In deconstructive theory, what term is used to describe the process of revealing and questioning the binary oppositions within a text?

   a. Derridian Différance  
   b. Supplement  
   c. Trace  
   d. Simulacrum

   Correct Answer: b. Supplement

   Which literary theory explores the ways in which literature reflects and challenges societal norms and expectations related to gender and sexuality?

   a. Queer Theory  
   b. Psychoanalysis  
   c. Marxism  
   d. Feminism

   Correct Answer: a. Queer Theory

   In postcolonial theory, what term refers to the practice of using Western standards to judge and evaluate non-Western cultures?

   a. Cultural Hybridity  
   b. Ethnocentrism  
   c. Mimicry  
   d. Diaspora

   Correct Answer: b. Ethnocentrism

   What term is used in deconstructive theory to describe the additional meaning or significance that arises when elements within a text contradict each other?

   a. Trace  
   b. Derridian Différance  
   c. Supplement  
   d. Simulacrum

   Correct Answer: c. Supplement

   Who is known for developing the concept of "Aporia" in deconstructive literary theory, highlighting moments of uncertainty and contradiction within a text?

   a. Jacques Derrida  
   b. Roland Barthes  
   c. Julia Kristeva  
   d. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

   Correct Answer: a. Jacques Derrida

   In feminist literary theory, what term refers to the cultural and social expectations placed on women to conform to traditional roles?

   a. Patriarchy  
   b. Heteronormativity  
   c. Feminine Mystique  
   d. Gendered Expectations

   Correct Answer: c. Feminine Mystique

   What literary theory examines the ways in which literature reflects and critiques the impact of colonization and imperialism on colonized peoples?

   a. Postcolonialism  
   b. World-System Theory  
   c. Cultural Studies  
   d. Structuralism

   Correct Answer: a. Postcolonialism

   Who is known for introducing the concept of "Phallocentrism," critiquing the male-centered perspectives and biases present in literature and culture?

   a. Julia Kristeva  
   b. Simone de Beauvoir  
   c. Helene Cixous  
   d. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

   Correct Answer: c. Helene Cixous

   In postcolonial theory, what term refers to the process through which colonized individuals adopt aspects of the colonizer's culture?

   a. Mimicry  
   b. Cultural Hybridity  
   c. Diaspora  
   d. Subalternity

   Correct Answer: a. Mimicry

   What term is used in psychoanalytic theory to describe the psychological defense mechanism where unacceptable thoughts or desires are pushed into the unconscious?

   a. Projection  
   b. Repression  
   c. Regression  
   d. Sublimation

   Correct Answer: b. Repression

   In structuralist theory, what term refers to the way in which individual elements in a text gain meaning through their relationship with other elements?

   a. Dystopia  
   b. Syntagm  
   c. Paradigm  
   d. Signifier

   Correct Answer: b. Syntagm

   Which literary theory focuses on the examination of power relationships and social structures within literature, often drawing from historical and cultural contexts?

   a. New Historicism  
   b. Cultural Studies  
   c. Foucauldian Criticism  
   d. Structuralism

   Correct Answer: a. New Historicism

   What term is used in ecocriticism to describe the representation of nature as an active and interconnected force in literature?

   a. Anthropocentrism  
   b. Ecocentrism  
   c. Biocentrism  
   d. Animism

   Correct Answer: d. Animism

   Who is known for introducing the concept of "Rhizomatic Thinking," suggesting a non-linear, interconnected approach to understanding literature and culture?

   a. Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari  
   b. Jacques Derrida  
   c. Julia Kristeva  
   d. Roland Barthes

   Correct Answer: a. Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari

   In postcolonial theory, what term refers to the rewriting and reinterpretation of colonial history from the perspective of the colonized?

   a. Decolonization  
   b. Revisionism  
   c. Diaspora  
   d. Postcolonial Revisionism

   Correct Answer: a. Decolonization

   Who is associated with the concept of "Transculturation," examining the cultural interactions and exchanges that occur during periods of colonization?

   a. Edward Said  
   b. Homi Bhabha  
   c. Fernando Ortiz  
   d. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

   Correct Answer: c. Fernando Ortiz

   In psychoanalytic theory, what term refers to the incorporation of external elements into an individual's personality, often as a result of identification?

   a. Repression  
   b. Introjection  
   c. Sublimation  
   d. Projection

   Correct Answer: b. Introjection

   What literary theory explores the ways in which literature challenges traditional concepts of authorship, often focusing on collaborative and collective writing?

   a. Authorial Theory  
   b. Reader-Response Criticism  
   c. Authorship Studies  
   d. Collective Creativity

   Correct Answer: c. Authorship Studies

   In feminist literary theory, what term refers to the exploration of multiple and intersectional oppressions faced by individuals, particularly women?

   a. Androcentrism  
   b. Intersectionality  
   c. Heteronormativity  
   d. Feminist Mystique

   Correct Answer: b. Intersectionality

   Who is known for developing the concept of "Semiotic Square," a tool for analyzing contradictions and relationships between signs within a text?

   a. Julia Kristeva  
   b. Roland Barthes  
   c. Jacques Derrida  
   d. Michel Foucault

   Correct Answer: a. Julia Kristeva

   In postcolonial theory, what term refers to the process of adapting Western cultural forms to suit local contexts in colonized regions?

   a. Hybridization  
   b. Cultural Hybridity  
   c. Creolization  
   d. Syncretism

   Correct Answer: c. Creolization

   What term is used in structuralist theory to describe the fundamental structures and rules that govern a system of signs in language?

   a. Signifier  
   b. Semiotics  
   c. Dystopia  
   d. Paradigm

   Correct Answer: b. Semiotics

   Which literary theory explores the ways in which literature engages with and critiques the concept of the "Other," often referring to marginalized and outsider figures?

   a. Otherness Studies  
   b. Queer Theory  
   c. Postcolonialism  
   d. Psychoanalysis

   Correct Answer: a. Otherness Studies

   In postcolonial theory, what term refers to the cultural, economic, and political influence exerted by Western nations on less developed regions?

   a. Colonialism  
   b. Imperialism  
   c. Neocolonialism  
   d. Globalization

   Correct Answer: c. Neocolonialism

   Who is known for introducing the concept of "Dialogic Imagination," emphasizing the dynamic and open-ended nature of language and literature?

   a. Mikhail Bakhtin  
   b. Jacques Derrida  
   c. Roland Barthes  
   d. Edward Said

   Correct Answer: a. Mikhail Bakhtin

   In feminist literary theory, what term refers to the process of examining and challenging the portrayal of women as objects of male desire in literature?

   a. Patriarchal Critique  
   b. Androcentric Analysis  
   c. Male Gaze  
   d. Feminine Deconstruction

   Correct Answer: c. Male Gaze

   What literary theory focuses on the study of folklore, myths, and legends, exploring recurring patterns and archetypes in storytelling?

   a. Mythological Criticism  
   b. Folkloric Studies  
   c. Archetypal Criticism  
   d. Comparative Mythology

   Correct Answer: a. Mythological Criticism

   In psychoanalytic theory, what term refers to the symbolic representation of repressed desires or fears in a literary work?

   a. Symbolic Expression  
   b. Dream Analysis  
   c. Literary Subconscious  
   d. Freudian Symbolism

   Correct Answer: d. Freudian Symbolism

   Who is known for developing the concept of "Spectacle" in cultural studies, examining the role of media and mass communication in shaping public perception?

   a. Guy Debord  
   b. Stuart Hall  
   c. Jean Baudrillard  
   d. Michel Foucault

   Correct Answer: a. Guy Debord

   In structuralist theory, what term refers to the study of signs and symbols and their interpretation within a cultural context?

   a. Semiotics  
   b. Signification  
   c. Symbolism  
   d. Iconology

   Correct Answer: a. Semiotics

   What literary theory explores the ways in which literature engages with and reflects the complexities of identity, particularly in relation to ethnicity and race?

   a. Identity Studies  
   b. Ethnic Literature Criticism  
   c. Racial Theory  
   d. Critical Race Theory

   Correct Answer: d. Critical Race Theory

   Who is known for introducing the concept of "Third Space," emphasizing hybridity and the blending of cultural identities in postcolonial literature?

   a. Homi Bhabha  
   b. Edward Said  
   c. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak  
   d. Frantz Fanon

   Correct Answer: a. Homi Bhabha

  In structuralist theory, what term refers to the underlying and universal structures that shape human thought and cultural expressions?

   a. Structural Universals  
   b. Archetypal Structures  
   c. Cultural Constants  
   d. Structural Anthropology

   Correct Answer: d. Structural Anthropology

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