Important MCQs on Elizabethan drama and University Wits 

Here are 50 Important MCQs on Elizabethan drama and University Wits (PART 2) 

1. In Christopher Marlowe's "Doctor Faustus," what is the name of Faustus's servant?
   a) Robin
   b) Wagner
   c) Mephistopheles
   d) Lucifer
   - Answer: a) Robin

2. Which character in Thomas Kyd's "The Spanish Tragedy" seeks revenge for the murder of his son?
   a) Hieronimo
   b) Bel-Imperia
   c) Lorenzo
   d) Horatio
   - Answer: a) Hieronimo

3. In Robert Greene's "Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay," what is the name of the magical brass head created by Friar Bacon?
   a) Bungay
   b) Lucifer
   c) Trice
   d) Vortiger
   - Answer: c) Trice

4. Which character in George Peele's "The Old Wives' Tale" is transformed into an ape?
   a) Gerrold
   b) Tormiella
   c) Sir John
   d) Fairy Queen
   - Answer: b) Tormiella

5. What is the profession of the protagonist in Thomas Dekker's "The Shoemaker's Holiday"?
   a) Shoemaker
   b) Tailor
   c) Carpenter
   d) Blacksmith
   - Answer: a) Shoemaker

6. In John Lyly's "Endymion," who falls in love with the moon goddess Cynthia?
   a) Endymion
   b) Eumenides
   c) Semele
   d) Tellus
   - Answer: a) Endymion

7. What is the name of the protagonist in Thomas Middleton's "A Chaste Maid in Cheapside"?
   a) Sir Walter
   b) Sir Oliver
   c) Sir Jasper
   d) Sir Harry
   - Answer: c) Sir Jasper

8. Which character in Thomas Heywood's "The Fair Maid of the West" disguises herself as a soldier?
   a) Bess Bridges
   b) Sebastian Wengrave
   c) Mary Fitzwater
   d) Jane Shore
   - Answer: a) Bess Bridges

9. What is the name of the Duke's sister in John Webster's "The Duchess of Malfi"?
   a) Isabella
   b) Julia
   c) Cariola
   d) Hippolita
   - Answer: c) Cariola

10. Who is the antagonist in Thomas Middleton and William Rowley's "The Changeling"?
    a) De Flores
    b) Vermandero
    c) Alsemero
    d) Tomazo
    - Answer: a) De Flores

11. In Thomas Middleton's "Women Beware Women," which character is seduced by the Duke?
    a) Bianca
    b) Isabella
    c) Livia
    d) Hippolito
    - Answer: a) Bianca

12. Which University Wit wrote "The Wise Woman of Hogsdon"?
    a) Thomas Middleton
    b) Thomas Heywood
    c) John Lyly
    d) Anonymous
    - Answer: d) Anonymous

13. What is the name of the protagonist in Thomas Heywood's "The English Traveller"?
    a) Ned Spigot
    b) Thomas Rand
    c) George Barnwell
    d) Jack Juggler
    - Answer: b) Thomas Rand

14. In "The Roaring Girl" by Thomas Middleton and Thomas Dekker, what is the nickname of the cross-dressing protagonist?
    a) Moll Cutpurse
    b) Doll Tearsheet
    c) Nell Gwyn
    d) Meg Page
    - Answer: a) Moll Cutpurse

15. Which University Wit is associated with the play "The Second Maiden's Tragedy"?
    a) Thomas Middleton
    b) Thomas Dekker
    c) John Marston
    d) Anonymous
    - Answer: d) Anonymous

16. Who wrote "The Old Wives' Tale"?
    a) George Peele
    b) Thomas Dekker
    c) John Lyly
    d) Robert Greene
    - Answer: a) George Peele

17. What is the name of the protagonist in John Lyly's "Gallathea"?
    a) Phillida
    b) Livia
    c) Gallathea
    d) Eurymine
    - Answer: c) Gallathea

18. In Christopher Marlowe's "Edward II," who becomes the king's favorite and lover?
    a) Piers Gaveston
    b) Mortimer
    c) Isabella
    d) Lancaster
    - Answer: a) Piers Gaveston

19. Who wrote "The Queen of Corinth"?
    a) John Marston
    b) Thomas Dekker
    c) Thomas Middleton
    d) Anonymous
    - Answer: d) Anonymous

20. In "The Devil's Law Case" by John Webster, what is the name of the character who disguises herself as a man?
    a) Clarindore
    b) Almachildes
    c) Romelio
    d) Francisco
    - Answer: a) Clarindore

21. What is the name of the protagonist in Thomas Dekker's "The Honest Whore"?
    a) Bellafront
    b) Matheo
    c) Hippolito
    d) Fabritio
    - Answer: a) Bellafront

22. In Robert Greene's "Orlando Furioso," who is the primary antagonist?
    a) Rodomonte
    b) Orlando
    c) Rinaldo
    d) Mandricardo
    - Answer: a) Rodomonte

23. Who is the author of "The Battle of Alcazar"?
    a) George Peele
    b) Thomas Dekker
    c) George Chapman
    d) Anonymous
    - Answer: d) Anonymous

24. In "The Witch of Edmonton" by William Rowley, Thomas Dekker, and John Ford, what is the name of the character who makes a pact with the Devil?
    a) Mother Sawyer
    b) Elizabeth Sawyer
    c) Old Thorney
    d) Sir Arthur Clarington
    - Answer: b) Elizabeth Sawyer

25. Which University Wit is associated with the play "The Two Merry Milkmaids"?
    a) Thomas Middleton
    b) Thomas Dekker
    c) John Marston
    d) Anonymous
    - Answer: d) Anonymous

26. Who wrote "Sir Thomas More"?
    a) Christopher Marlowe
    b) Thomas Middleton
    c) Thomas Heywood
    d) William Shakespeare
    - Answer: d) William Shakespeare

27. In Thomas Heywood's "The Fair Maid of the West," what is the name of the protagonist's love interest?
   a) Bess Bridges
   b) Mary Fitzwater
   c) Jane Shore
   d) Isabella
   - Answer: a) Bess Bridges

28. Who is the author of "The Witch of Edmonton"?
   a) Thomas Middleton
   b) Thomas Dekker
   c) John Ford
   d) William Rowley
   - Answer: d) William Rowley

29. In Thomas Dekker's "The Shoemaker's Holiday," what does the protagonist, Simon Eyre, become?
   a) Mayor of London
   b) Sheriff of London
   c) Master Shoemaker
   d) Duke of Norfolk
   - Answer: a) Mayor of London

30. Who wrote "Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay"?
   a) Christopher Marlowe
   b) Thomas Kyd
   c) Robert Greene
   d) George Peele
   - Answer: d) George Peele

31. In John Webster's "The White Devil," what is the name of the scheming Cardinal?
   a) Monticelso
   b) Francisco
   c) Brachiano
   d) Flamineo
   - Answer: a) Monticelso

32. Who is the author of "The Blind Beggar of Alexandria"?
   a) George Chapman
   b) John Marston
   c) George Peele
   d) Thomas Dekker
   - Answer: d) Thomas Dekker

33. In Thomas Middleton's "The Changeling," who is Alsemero's intended bride?
   a) Beatrice-Joanna
   b) Isabella
   c) Diaphanta
   d) Alibius
   - Answer: a) Beatrice-Joanna

34. Who wrote "If You Know Not Me, You Know Nobody"?
   a) Thomas Middleton
   b) Thomas Heywood
   c) John Marston
   d) Ben Jonson
   - Answer: b) Thomas Heywood

35. In John Marston's "Antonio and Mellida," what is the name of the Duke's son?
   a) Antonio
   b) Mellida
   c) Piero
   d) Aretino
   - Answer: a) Antonio

36. Who is the author of "The Knight of the Burning Pestle"?
   a) Thomas Dekker
   b) Thomas Middleton
   c) John Lyly
   d) Francis Beaumont
   - Answer: a) Thomas Dekker

37. In "A Looking Glass for London and England" by Thomas Lodge and Robert Greene, what is the primary theme?
   a) Political corruption
   b) Economic inequality
   c) Social satire
   d) Religious hypocrisy
   - Answer: c) Social satire

38. Who wrote "The Mad Lover"?
   a) John Fletcher
   b) Thomas Middleton
   c) Thomas Heywood
   d) Ben Jonson
   - Answer: b) Thomas Middleton

39. In Thomas Middleton's "A Trick to Catch the Old One," who is the protagonist trying to deceive?
   a) Lord Nonsuch
   b) Sir David Dapper
   c) Lord Lacy
   d) Sir Giles Overreach
   - Answer: b) Sir David Dapper

40. Who is the author of "The Malcontent"?
   a) John Webster
   b) Thomas Middleton
   c) John Marston
   d) Anonymous
   - Answer: c) John Marston

41. In John Fletcher's "The Woman's Prize, or The Tamer Tamed," who is the protagonist trying to tame?
   a) Petruchio
   b) Kate
   c) Maria
   d) Moroso
   - Answer: b) Kate

42. Who wrote "The Revenger's Tragedy"?
   a) Thomas Middleton
   b) John Marston
   c) Cyril Tourneur
   d) Anonymous
   - Answer: d) Anonymous

43. In Thomas Dekker's "The Honest Whore," what is the name of the prostitute who reforms?
   a) Bellafront
   b) Hippolito
   c) Candido
   d) Matheo
   - Answer: a) Bellafront

44. Who is the author of "Wily Beguiled"?
   a) Thomas Middleton
   b) Thomas Heywood
   c) John Lyly
   d) Anonymous
   - Answer: d) Anonymous

45. In "The Roaring Girl" by Thomas Middleton and Thomas Dekker, what is Moll Cutpurse's actual name?
   a) Mary Frith
   b) Elizabeth Sawyer
   c) Jane Shore
   d) Bess Bridges
   - Answer: a) Mary Frith

46. Who wrote "Blurt, Master Constable"?
   a) Thomas Middleton
   b) Thomas Heywood
   c) John Lyly
   d) Anonymous
   - Answer: d) Anonymous

47. In Thomas Middleton's "The Witch," who is the central character accused of witchcraft?
   a) Elizabeth Sawyer
   b) Mother Sawyer
   c) Anne Ratcliffe
   d) Bess Bridges
   - Answer: b) Mother Sawyer

48. Who is the author of "The Queen's Arcadia"?
   a) John Marston
   b) Thomas Dekker
   c) Samuel Daniel
   d) Thomas Middleton
   - Answer: c) Samuel Daniel

49. In Thomas Heywood's "A Woman Killed with Kindness," what is the name of the woman who is killed?
   a) Anne Frankford
   b) Jane Shore
   c) Isabella
   d) Alice Arden
   - Answer: a) Anne Frankford

50. Who wrote "A Fair Quarrel"?
   a) Thomas Middleton
   b) Thomas Heywood
   c) John Lyly
   d) Anonymous
   - Answer: d) Anonymous

View Part 1 : MCQs on University Wits 

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