Charles Dickens Previous Year UGC-NET
English Questions

Which two cities are referred in Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities?

(1) Paris and Venice

(2) Venice and Florence

(3) London and Paris

(4) London and Birmingham

Answer: (3) London and Paris

What is the correct order of publication of the novels of Charles Dickens?

(A) Great Expectations

(B) Hard Times

(C) Oliver Twist

(D) David Copperfield

(E) A Tale of Two Cities

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) (E), (C), (A), (B), (D)

(2) (C), (D), (B), (E), (Α)

(3) (B), (A), (D), (C), (E)

(4) (D), (B), (C), (A), (E)

Answer: (2) (C), (D), (B), (E), (A)

Which among the following are examples of the Kunstler roman?

(a) The Portrait of a Lady

(b) David Copperfield

(c) Tom Jones

(d) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young man

Choose the correct answer from the options given below.

[1] (a) and (b) only

[2] (a) and (c) only

[3] (b) and (d) only

[4] (c) and (d) only

Answer: 3

Which among the following are the titles of the periodicals?

(A) Dickens' Household Words

(B) S.T. Coleridge' Friend

(C) Richard Steele's Guardian

(D) Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis

(E) Leigh Hunt's Indicator

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) (A) and (B) Only

(2) (B) and (C) Only

(3) (A), (B), (C) and (E) Only

(4) (C), (D) and (E) Only

Answer. (3) (A), (B), (C) and (E) Only

From which novel of Charles Dickens are the following lines extracted?

"I took her hand in mine, and we went out of the ruined place; and, as the morning mists had risen long ago when I first left the forge, so, the evening mists were rising now, and in all the broad expanse of tranquil light they showed to me, I saw no shadow of another parting from her."

1) Great Expectations

2) David Copperfield

3) Nicholas Nickleby

4) Bleak House

Answer: 1) Great Expectations

In a novel of Charles Dickens, a high spirited boy of 19 is left penniless along with his mother and sister Kate on the death of his father. Which of the following is the novel?

1) Oliver Twist

2) David Copperfield

3) Nicholas Nickleby

4) Hard Times

Answer: 3) Nicholas Nickleby

Who wrote a postmodern reworking of Charles Dicken's Great Expectations without altering the original title?

[1] Angela Carter

[2] Kathy Acker

[3] Peter Carey

(4) Shirley Jackson

Answer: 2

Find the chronological order of publication of Charles Dickens's novels:

A) Oliver Twist

B) Dombey and Sons

C) Pickwick Papers

D) Bleak House

E) David Copperfield

Choose the correct answer from the options given below.

1) A, D, C, B, E

2) D, E, B, C, A

3) B, D, C, A, E

4) C, A, B, D, E

Answer: Dropped

The earth was made for Dombey and son to trade in, and the sun and moon were made to give them light. Rivers and seas were formed to float their ships; rainbows gave them promise of fair weather; winds blew for or against their enterprises; stars and planets circled in their orbits, to preserve inviolate a system of which they were the centre. Common abbreviations took new meanings in his eyes, and had sole reference to them: A.D had no concern with anno Domini, but stood for anno Dombey- and son.

Charles Dickens, Dombey and Son

. What is the 'system' of which Domney and son were the centre?

[1] The British political system

[2] The country's commerce

[3] The family business

[4] The workings of nature

Answer: 2. 

The whole description is an example of:

[1] Analogy

[2] Aporia

[3] Image

[4] Sarcasm

Answer: 4