Q. Which playwright, often referred to as "Kit," was a major figure in the development of Elizabethan drama and wrote "Doctor Faustus"?
   a. Thomas Kyd
   b. Ben Jonson
   c. Christopher Marlowe
   d. John Webster

   Answer: c. Christopher Marlowe

Q. Who was a contemporary of Shakespeare, known for his comedies and satirical plays such as "Volpone" and "The Alchemist"?
   a. Thomas Middleton
   b. Ben Jonson
   c. John Ford
   d. Thomas Dekker

   Answer: b. Ben Jonson

Q. Which playwright's early life is shrouded in mystery, but he gained fame with "The Spanish Tragedy," a foundational work in the revenge tragedy genre?
   a. George Chapman
   b. Thomas Kyd
   c. John Marston
   d. Philip Massinger

   Answer: b. Thomas Kyd

Q. Known for his collaboration with other playwrights, who co-wrote "The Changeling" and had a significant influence on the development of Jacobean drama?
   a. John Fletcher
   b. Thomas Middleton
   c. Francis Beaumont
   d. John Ford

   Answer: b. Thomas Middleton

Q. Who was a notable dramatist and poet of the Jacobean era, famous for his tragic plays "The Duchess of Malfi" and "The White Devil"?
   a. John Webster
   b. George Chapman
   c. Thomas Heywood
   d. John Marston

   Answer: a. John Webster

Q. Which playwright is known for his tragicomedies and collaboration with Francis Beaumont on plays such as "The Knight of the Burning Pestle"?
   a. Philip Massinger
   b. John Ford
   c. John Fletcher
   d. Thomas Dekker

   Answer: c. John Fletcher

Q. Who wrote "A Woman Killed with Kindness," and is known for his extensive contribution to English domestic tragedy?
   a. John Marston
   b. Thomas Heywood
   c. Cyril Tourneur
   d. John Ford

   Answer: b. Thomas Heywood

Q. A playwright and poet whose life was marked by controversy and imprisonment, who co-wrote "Eastward Ho" and wrote the satirical comedy "The Malcontent"?
   a. John Marston
   b. Thomas Dekker
   c. George Chapman
   d. Francis Beaumont

   Answer: a. John Marston

Q. Which dramatist, known for his collaborations with Ben Jonson and John Marston, wrote "Bussy D'Ambois" and translated the works of Homer?
   a. George Chapman
   b. John Webster
   c. Thomas Middleton
   d. Philip Massinger

   Answer: a. George Chapman

1Q. Who was a playwright and pamphleteer, remembered for his social comedies and city comedies such as "The Shoemaker's Holiday"?
    a. Thomas Dekker
    b. John Ford
    c. John Fletcher
    d. Philip Massinger

    Answer: a. Thomas Dekker

Q. Who did Ben Jonson describe as having "a mouth full of lightning" due to their powerful writing style?
   a. Christopher Marlowe
   b. William Shakespeare
   c. John Webster
   d. Thomas Kyd

   Answer: a. Christopher Marlowe

Q. Which playwright did T.S. Eliot famously call "the most nearly Satanic" of English writers?
   a. John Webster
   b. Ben Jonson
   c. Thomas Middleton
   d. John Ford

   Answer: a. John Webster

Q. Who did John Dryden refer to as "the man who of all modern, and perhaps ancient poets, had the largest and most comprehensive soul"?
   a. William Shakespeare
   b. Ben Jonson
   c. Christopher Marlowe
   d. Thomas Kyd

   Answer: a. William Shakespeare

Q. Which writer was described by Algernon Charles Swinburne as having "a fire of passion and a splendour of imagination"?
   a. Thomas Middleton
   b. John Ford
   c. John Webster
   d. Christopher Marlowe

   Answer: d. Christopher Marlowe

Q. Samuel Taylor Coleridge described which playwright as "a volcano under a green field"?
   a. Ben Jonson
   b. John Webster
   c. William Shakespeare
   d. Thomas Kyd

   Answer: b. John Webster

Q. Who did Charles Lamb refer to as "a star of the first magnitude" in English literature?
   a. John Fletcher
   b. Philip Massinger
   c. Thomas Middleton
   d. Thomas Dekker

   Answer: a. John Fletcher

Q. Which playwright did George Bernard Shaw call "the noblest Roman of them all"?
   a. Ben Jonson
   b. Thomas Kyd
   c. Christopher Marlowe
   d. William Shakespeare

   Answer: d. William Shakespeare

Q. Who did Leigh Hunt describe as "a poet of extraordinary genius, and capable of everything"?
   a. Thomas Middleton
   b. Ben Jonson
   c. John Webster
   d. William Shakespeare

   Answer: b. Ben Jonson

Q. William Hazlitt praised which playwright for their "truth and fidelity" in depicting human nature?
   a. John Marston
   b. Thomas Middleton
   c. Ben Jonson
   d. William Shakespeare

   Answer: d. William Shakespeare

Q. Who did Algernon Charles Swinburne say had "the touch of Midas" because "everything he touched turned into song"?
    a. Christopher Marlowe
    b. Ben Jonson
    c. William Shakespeare
    d. Thomas Kyd

    Answer: c. William Shakespeare

Q. Which play by Thomas Kyd is considered a major influence on the development of the revenge tragedy genre?
   a. The Spanish Tragedy
   b. The Jew of Malta
   c. The White Devil
   d. Women Beware Women

   Answer: a. The Spanish Tragedy

Q. Who wrote "The Changeling," a notable tragedy of the Jacobean era?
   a. Thomas Middleton and William Rowley
   b. John Ford
   c. John Webster
   d. Philip Massinger

   Answer: a. Thomas Middleton and William Rowley

Q. "A Woman Killed with Kindness" is a domestic tragedy written by which playwright?
   a. Thomas Heywood
   b. Thomas Middleton
   c. John Marston
   d. George Chapman

   Answer: a. Thomas Heywood

Q. Who is the author of "The Revenger's Tragedy," a work often attributed to multiple writers?
   a. Cyril Tourneur
   b. John Webster
   c. Thomas Middleton
   d. John Ford

   Answer: a. Cyril Tourneur

Q. Which Jacobean playwright wrote "The Broken Heart" and "’Tis Pity She’s a Whore"?
   a. John Ford
   b. Philip Massinger
   c. John Fletcher
   d. Thomas Dekker

   Answer: a. John Ford

Q. "The Knight of the Burning Pestle" is a satirical play written by which playwright?
   a. Francis Beaumont
   b. John Fletcher
   c. Thomas Dekker
   d. Thomas Heywood

   Answer: a. Francis Beaumont

Q. Which play by John Webster features the character of the madwoman, Isabella?
   a. The White Devil
   b. The Duchess of Malfi
   c. The Devil's Law Case
   d. The Honest Whore

   Answer: a. The White Devil

Q. Who collaborated with Ben Jonson on the play "Eastward Ho," which caused controversy due to its satire of King James I’s Scottish courtiers?
   a. George Chapman and John Marston
   b. Thomas Dekker and John Webster
   c. Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
   d. Thomas Middleton and William Rowley

   Answer: a. George Chapman and John Marston

Q. "The Witch," a play dealing with themes of sorcery and magic, was written by which Jacobean dramatist?
   a. Thomas Middleton
   b. John Ford
   c. Philip Massinger
   d. John Fletcher

   Answer: a. Thomas Middleton

Q. Which playwright authored "The Atheist's Tragedy," a lesser-known revenge play from the Jacobean period?
    a. Cyril Tourneur
    b. John Marston
    c. George Chapman
    d. Thomas Dekker

    Answer: a. Cyril Tourneur

Q. Who is considered the first major dramatist of the English Renaissance?
   a. William Shakespeare
   b. Christopher Marlowe
   c. Ben Jonson
   d. Thomas Kyd
   Answer: b. Christopher Marlowe

Q. Which play is often regarded as the first English tragedy?
   a. Hamlet
   b. Dr. Faustus
   c. Gorboduc
   d. The Spanish Tragedy

   Answer: c. Gorboduc

Q. The term 'Jacobean' refers to the period during the reign of which monarch?
   a. Elizabeth I
   b. Henry VIII
   c. James I
   d. Charles I

   Answer: c. James I

Q. Which play by Ben Jonson is known for its satirical portrayal of London society?
   a. Every Man in His Humour
   b. Volpone
   c. The Alchemist
   d. Bartholomew Fair

   Answer: b. Volpone

Q Which of the following is a characteristic of Jacobean drama?
   a. Focus on romantic love and chivalry
   b. Exploration of human psychology and dark themes
   c. Emphasis on religious morality plays
   d. Depiction of rural and pastoral life

   Answer: b. Exploration of human psychology and dark themes

Q. Who wrote "The Duchess of Malfi," a notable work of Jacobean drama?
   a. John Webster
   b. Thomas Middleton
   c. John Ford
   d. Philip Massinger

   Answer: a. John Webster

Q. Which play is considered Shakespeare's greatest tragedy?
   a. Othello
   b. King Lear
   c. Macbeth
   d. Hamlet

   Answer: d. Hamlet

Q. The play "Doctor Faustus" by Christopher Marlowe deals with which central theme?
   a. The conflict between love and duty
   b. The consequences of ambition and desire for power
   c. The struggle for social justice
   d. The importance of religious faith

   Answer: b. The consequences of ambition and desire for power

Q. Which of these playwrights is known for their collaboration on many Jacobean plays?
   a. John Fletcher
   b. George Chapman
   c. Thomas Dekker
   d. Philip Sidney

   Answer: a. John Fletcher

Q. In "The Tempest," who is the rightful Duke of Milan?
    a. Antonio
    b. Ferdinand
    c. Prospero
    d. Caliban

    Answer: c. Prospero

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