ASSAM/NE SLET ENGLISH 2025 : Solved Questions 


🟧 1. Read the following Assertion (Ass) and Reason (R) and find out the correct answer using the codes given below:

Assertion (Ass): The very basic function of a language is to express our ideas.

Reason (R): Language is associated with expression of our information, ideas and feelings.

Ans: (B) Both (Ass) and (R) are true ✔️

🟧 2. Read the following Assertion (Ass) and Reason (R) and find out the correct answer using the codes given below:

Assertion (Ass): The use of technology to increase learning process is called ICT in education.

Reason (R): Technology helps to make learning process effective.

(D) Both (Ass) and (R) are true ✔️

🟧 3. Read the following Assertion (Ass) and Reason (R) and find out the correct answer using the codes given below:

Assertion (Ass): Root creation started in the English language methodically from late 19th century.

Reason (R): Because root creation is the sign of a developed language.

(B) The (Ass) is true, but the (R) is false ✔️

🟧 4. Read the following Assertion (Ass) and Reason (R) and find out the correct answer using the codes given below:

Assertion (Ass): The English language is of old Germanic origin with influences from other languages like French, Latin and old Norse.

Reason (R): It is a part of the Indo-European language family.

(D) (Ass) is true, but (R) is false ✔️

🟧 5. Which of the following is true of Semantics?

(A) It is the study of meaning in language. ✔️

🟧 6. Which of the following is not a poem by John Donne?

(C) The Collar ✔️

🟧 7. Who is the poet of the poem Preludes?

(A) Wordsworth ✔️

🟧 8. Who wrote the following lines?

"But at my back I always hear.

Times winged chariot hurrying near;"

(A) Andrew Marvell ✔️

🟧 9. In which of the poems by Blake mentioned below would you find the lines?

"Pity would be no more,

If we did not make somebody Poor; And Mercy no more could be,

If all were as happy as we;"

(C) The Human Abstract ✔️

🟧 10. Lyrical Ballards, with a Few Other Poems is a collection of poems by-

(B)Wordsworth and Coleridge ✔️

🟧11. Which of the following poets does not belong to the nineteenth century?

(C) Philip Larkin✔️

🟧12. In which year was the volume of poems entitled The Wild Swans at Coole by W. B. Yeats published?

(B) 1919 ✔️

🟧13. The epigraph "Thou hast nor youth nor age/But, as it were, an after dinner's sleep/Dreaming of both" at the beginning of Eliots 'Gerontion' is taken Shakespeare's play-

(D) Measure for Measure✔️

🟧14. The following statements are either True or False. Choose the correct

(a) Lyrics are non-narrative poems; they do not tell a story. (b) The sonnet has its origin in thirteenth century England.

(c) Milton's 'Lycidas' and Arnold's Thyrsis' are both examples of pastoral elegy.

(d) The speaker in a dramatic monologue always speaks to himself.

Ans: D : False, False, True, True ✔️

🟧 15. The following statements are either True or False. Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) John Donne was born in a rich Catholic family of Dublin in 1572.

(b) William Blake was born in Broad Street, Golden Square, London in 1757.

(c) Robert Browning was born in a middle class suburb of Camberwell in London in 1822.

(d) T. S. Eliot was born in St. Louis, Missouri (USA) in 1888.

Ans: A: False, True, False, True✔️

🟧16. The following statements are either True or False. Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) Wilfred Owen's poetry deals primarily with war.

(b) W. H. Auden published his first book of poems in 1930.

(c) Emily Dickinson's Collected Poems first appeared in 1955.

(d) Ezra Pound's first book of poems A Lume Spento was first published in 1908 in Venice.

Ans: D: True, True, True, True✔️

🟧17. The following statements are either True or False. Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) Gabriel Okara was the first poet from Ghana to apear in Black Orpheus.

(b) Ama Ata Aidoo was born at Abeadzi Kyiakor, Central Ghana in 1942.

(c) Ngudia Wendel, born near Luanda, Angola in 1940 spent his whole adult life with MPLA, first as a guerrilla leader and later as a doctor.

(d) Flavien Ranaivo, the poet from Madagascar learnt to read music before he learnt the alphabet

Ans: D: False, True, True, True✔️

🟧18. The following statements are either True or False. Choose the correct

(a) John Keats died at the age of thirty in Rome.

(b) Chaucer and Wordsworth both belonged to the same period of English Literature.

(c) P. B. Shelley died five years before William Blake.

(d) G. M. Hopkins died five years after the birth of Ezra Pound.

Ans: B : True, False, False, True ✔️ ( might be dropped) 

🟧 19. The following statements are either True or False. Choose the correct answer from the codes below:

(a) Seamus Heaney's poems are rooted in Northern Irish urban life.

(b) Sylvia Plath, the American poet committed suicide in 1963.

(c) Pablo Neruda was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971,

(d) W. H. Auden was never impressed by the poetry of W. B. Yeats.

Ans: False, True, True, False✔️

🟧 20. Match the items given in parallel columns and find the answer from the

(a) Geoffrey Chaucer

  i) The Pilgrim's Progress

(b) John Bunyan

ii) The Canterbury Tales

(c) John Gower

(iii) Piers the Plowman

(d) William Langland

iv) Confessio Amantis

✔️Ans: (a)Geoffrey Chaucer : Canterbury Tales

(b) John Bunyan: The Pilgrim's Progress

(c) John Gower: Confessio Amantis

(d) William Langland: Piers the Plowman

🟧 21. Match the items given in parallel columns and find the answer from the codes that follow:

(a) Alexander Pope

(b) John Dryden,

(c) John Donnes

(D) John Milton

I) The Canonization
(ii) Lycidas

(iii) Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot

iv) A Song for St. Cecilia's Day

✔️Ans: (a) Alexander Pope : Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot

(b) John Dryden: A Song for St. Cecilia's Day

(c) John Donne: The Canonization

(D) John Milton: Lycidas

🟧 22. Match the items given in parallel columns and find the answer from the codes that follow :

(a) R. W. Emerson

(b) Herman Melville

(c) E. A. Poe

(d) Walt Whitman

(i) Song of Myself

(ii) Annabel Lee

(iii) Misgivings

(iv) The Mountain and the Squirrel

✔️Ans: (a) R. W. Emerson : The Mountain and the Squirrel

(b) Herman Melville: Misgivings

(c) E. A. Poe: Annabel Lee

(d) Walt Whitman: Song of Myself 

🟧 23. Match the items given in parallel columns and find the answer from the codes that follow :

✔️Ans: (a) 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever': John Keats 

(b) 'Our sweetest songs are those that /tell of saddest thoughts': P. B Shelley 

(c) To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield': Tennyson

(d) 'Humankind cannot bear very much reality': T. S. Eliot

🟧 24 Match the items 

✔️Ans: D. G. Rossetti → (ii) Pre-Raphaelite

T. E. Hulme → (i) Imagist

Andrew Marvell → (iv) Metaphysical

W. B. Yeats → (iii) Celtic

🟧 25 Match the items

✔️Ans: B) "Arise, Awake or be forever fallen" → (i) Paradise Lost (John Milton)

"The proper study of mankind is man" → (ii) Essay on Man (Alexander Pope)

"Beware the fury of a patient man" → (iii) Absalom and Achitophel (John Dryden)

"The innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but time" → (iv) The Rage Against Time

🟧 26 Match the items 

✔️Ans: C) Ngudia  Wendel→ (iii) We Shall Return, Luanda

Jared Angira → (ii) The Country of the Dead

Wole Soyinka → (iv) Death in The Dawn

Ben Okri → (i) An African Elegy

🟧 27 Assertion & Reason

Assertion (Ass): W. B. Yeats' earliest poetry draws heavily upon Irish folk tales and Gaelic legends.

Reason (R): For some reason, Yeats could not sympathize with the cause of the Irish National Revival.

Ans: (C) Ass is true, but R is false✔️

🟧 28 Assertion & Reason

Assertion (Ass): Browning came to be recognized as the undisputed master of the dramatic monologue after the publication of his Men and Women in 1855.

Reason (R): The form of the dramatic monologue enabled Browning to deal with serious Victorian issues without getting directly involved in them.

Ans: (A) Both (Ass) and (R) are true.✔️

🟧 29 Assertion (Ass): Most of William Blake's poetry is characterized by a sense of political radicalism that is without any contemporary relevance. → 

Reason (R): Blake was greatly influenced by such political radicals as William Godwin, Thomas Paine, and Mary Wollstonecraft.

(D) (Ass) is false, but (R) is true.✔️

🟧 30 Assertion (Ass): Kamala Das was born in a middle-class Bengali family settled in Kerala. 

Reason (R): Kamala Das's Summer in Calcutta is an account of her Bengali origin. 

(B) Both (Ass) and (R) are false.✔️

🟧 31 Assertion (Ass): Vikram Seth is considered a maverick of sorts owing to his inclination for writing novels in verse form. 
Reason (R): The Golden Gate and An Equal Music are both collections of poems by Vikram Seth. 

(C) (Ass) is true, but (R) is false.✔️

🟧 32 Assertion (Ass): The Poetry Society was founded in 1909, and its journal Poetry Review was founded in 1912

Reason (R): The first editor of Poetry Review was an eminent member of the Poetry Society, Arnold Bennett

(C) (Ass) is true, but (R) is false.✔️

🟧 33 Shakespeare Play Featuring Touchstone

(C) As You Like It✔️

🟧 34 
Which Play is Different?
(A) Hamlet, (B) Macbeth, (C) King Lear (D) The Tempest 
(D) The Tempest ✔️

🟧 35 Which is Not a Play by Christopher Marlowe?

(A) Dr. Faustus

(B) Titus Andronicus

(C) Tamburlaine

(D) The Jew of Malta

(B) Titus Andronicus✔️

🟧 36 The Zoo Story is a play by :

(A) Harold Pinter

(B) Samuel Beckett

(C) Eugene lonesco

(D) Edward Albee✔️

🟧 37. Which of the following plays did lonesco write?

(A)The Chairs✔️

(B) The Birthday Party

(C) Blood Wedding

(D) Waiting for Godot

🟧38. Who among the following is the author of the book Renaissance Self-Fashioning?

(A) Cleanth Brooks

(B) Stephen Greenblatt✔️

(C) Harold Bloom

(D) Marjorie Garber

🟧39. In which of the following plays by Shaw will you meet the character John Tanner?

(A) Arms and the Man

(B) Candida

(C) Man and Superman✔️

(D) Major Barbara

🟧40. In which of the following plays by Shakespeare do you came across the expression "The better part of Valour is discretion"?

(A) Julius Caesar

(C) Titus Andronicus

(B) Richard III

(D) Henry IV, Part 1✔️

🟧 41. The following statements are either True or False. Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

a) Sir John Falstaff is a character in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

(b) Barabas is a character in Marlowe's The Jew of Malta

(c) Abigail is a character in Webster's The Duchess of Malfi

(d) Mosca is a character in Jonson's Volpone.

Ans: False, true, false, true ✔️

🟧 42. The following statements are either True or False. Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) W.B. Yeats is the author of the play Purgatory.

(b) A Streetcar Named Desire is a play by Tennessee Williams.
c) Riders to the Sea is a play by J. M. Synge
(d) The Glass Menagerie is a play by Arthur Miller.

Ans: False, True, True, False ✔️

🟧 43 The following statements are either True or False. Select the correct ans from the codes given below:

(a) G. B. Shaw was an Irish playwright.

(b) Henrik Ibsen was an English playwright.

(c) Eugene O'Neill was an American playwright.

(d) Edward Albee was a French playwright

Ans: True, False, True, False ✔️

🟧 44. True or False

(a) Edmund is the son of Lear in Shakespeare’s King Lear

b) In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Macbeth is finally killed by Macduff

c) At the end of the play Othello, Iago is finally stabbed to death by Othello

 (d) In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Ophelia is the daughter of Polonius.

(D) False, True, False, True✔️

🟧 45 . The following statements are either True or False. Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) William Congreve's The Way of the World belongs to the genre known as Comedy of Manners.

(b) Jonson's Every Man in His Humour is an example of Comedy of Humours.

(c) Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Eamest is considered a Dark Comedy.

(d) The Merchant of Venice is a Satirical Comedy.

(C) True, True, False, False✔️

🟧 46 (a) Shakespeare was never associated with the Globe Theatre.

(b) Thomas Nashe was known to be one of the University Wits.

(c) The Lord Chamberlain's Men was a company of actors for which Shakespeare wrote many of his plays.

(d) The Swan was a theatre in Southwark in London built in 1595.

(D) False, True, True, True✔️

🟧47 . (a) The Cenci is a verse drama by P. B. Shelley.

(b) Sejanus His Fall is a comedy by Ben Jonson.

(c) All for Love is a heroic drama by John Dryden.

d) The Good-Natur'd Man is a play by Alexander Pope.

(C) True, False, True, False✔️

🟧48 . 
(a) Ralph Roister Doister is regarded as the first English comedy

(b) Gorboduc is considered to be the first tragedy to be found in English Literature.

(c) The Tempest is the first play ever to be written by Shakespeare.V

(d) The Lion and the Jewel is a play by the Nigerian writer Wole Soyinka
(C) True, True, False, True✔️

🟧 49 - 56 Match the items (Answers) 

(a) Hamlet → (ii) Tragedy
(b) As You Like It → (i) Comedy
(c) The Winter’s Tale → (iv) Tragicomedy
(d) King Richard the Third → (iii) History

🟧 50
  (a) Tony Lumpkin → (iii) She Stoops to Conquer (A comic character in Oliver Goldsmith’s play.)
(b) Mrs. Malaprop → (iv) The Rivals (Famous for her humorous misuse of words in Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s play.)
(c) Brainworm → (i) Every Man in His Humour (A cunning servant in Ben Jonson’s comedy.)
(d) Sir Toby Belch → (ii) Twelfth Night (A humorous and mischievous knight in Shakespeare’s play.)

🟧 51 

(a) Henrik Ibsen → (iv) The Wild Duck (A Norwegian play about deception and self-delusion.)
(b) Luigi Pirandello → (iii) Six Characters in Search of an Author (A famous metatheatrical play.)
(c) Bertolt Brecht → (ii) Mother Courage and Her Children (An anti-war play based on the Thirty Years' War.)
(d) Anton Chekhov → (i) The Cherry Orchard (A classic Russian play about aristocracy and social change.)

🟧 52

(a) Thomas Kyd → (iv) The Spanish Tragedy (A foundational revenge tragedy of the Elizabethan era.)
(b) William Shakespeare → (i) A Midsummer Night's Dream (A comedy with magical elements.)
(c) Ben Jonson → (ii) Volpone (A satirical play about greed and deception.)
(d) John Webster → (iii) The White Devil (A dark Jacobean tragedy.)

🟧 53 
(a) Desdemona → (ii) Othello (The tragic heroine in Shakespeare’s play, killed by Othello.)
(b) Cordelia → (iv) King Lear (The youngest and most loyal daughter of King Lear.)
(c) Ophelia → (i) Hamlet (A tragic character who drowns herself in grief.)
(d) Volumnia → (iii) Coriolanus (The mother of the Roman general Coriolanus.)

(a) G. B. Shaw → (ii) Pygmalion (A play about language and social class.)
(b) John Galsworthy → (iii) Strife (A play about industrial conflict.)
(c) John Osborne → (i) Look Back in Anger (A major work of British kitchen-sink drama.)
(d) Harold Pinter → (iv) The Homecoming (A classic of the Theatre of the Absurd.)

🟧 55

(a) Aeschylus → (iv) Seven Against Thebes (A tragedy about the conflict between two brothers.)
(b) Sophocles → (i) Antigone (A play about loyalty and civil disobedience.)
(c) Euripides → (ii) Medea (A tragedy about a woman’s revenge on her unfaithful husband.)
(d) Aristophanes → (iii) The Frogs (A comedy about playwrights in the underworld.)

🟧 56
(a) British Drama → (ii) Allardyce Nicoll (A major scholar of British theatre history.)
(b) The Theatre of the Absurd → (i) Martin Esslin (Coined the term "Theatre of the Absurd.")
(c) The Wheel of Fire → (iv) G. Wilson Knight (A critical work on Shakespeare’s tragedies.)
(d) Radical Tragedy → (iii) Jonathan Dollimore (Explores the political nature of tragedy.)

🟧 57- 63 Assertion& Reason 

Assertion (Ass): The Comedy of Manners is a satirical play from the Restoration period that deals with the manners and affectations of a self-conscious elite. (True)

Reason (R): Intellectual refinement, easy dalliance, and epigrammatic art were some of its traits, often depicted using stock characters. (True)

 (A) Both (Ass) and (R) are✔️ 

🟧 58Assertion (Ass): Shakespeare’s Shylock is "more sinned against than sinning."
Reason (R): Shylock is humiliated throughout the play because he is a Jew, but he gets justice in the end.
(C) (Ass) is true, but (R) is false.✔️

Assertion (Ass): Elizabethan drama flourished despite lacking the support and patronage of Queen Elizabeth I.

Reason (R): Its popularity was solely due to professional theatre companies.

(B) Both (Ass) and (R) are false.✔️

🟧 60 
Assertion (Ass): After Sheridan and Goldsmith, serious drama gained sudden popularity.

Reason (R): Renovation of playhouses, especially the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden in 1787, contributed to drama’s popularity

(D) (Ass) is false, but (R) is true.✔️

🟧 61
Assertion (Ass): Blood Wedding is a rural tragedy by Federico García Lorca written in 1932. 

Reason (R): It is often grouped with Yerma and The House of Bernarda Alba as the "rural trilogy." 
(A) Both (Ass) and (R) are true.✔️

🟧 62
Assertion (Ass): Murder in the Cathedral is a verse drama by W. B. Yeats.
Reason (R): The play deals with the assassination of Archbishop Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral in 1170. 

(D) (Ass) is false, but (R) is true.✔️


Assertion (Ass): Willy Loman commits suicide in Death of a Salesman.
Reason (R): His suicide enables Biff to build a successful career using the insurance money. 

(C) (Ass) is true, but (R) is false.✔️

🟧 64
Research Methods and Research Methodology are the same.
(B) False.✔️

🟧 65
Feminist Literary Criticism is an example of research methods.
(A) True.✔️

Action research aims at the immediate application of research outcomes.
(A) True✔️

Which of the following is not a neo-Victorian novel?

(A) The Fraud by Zadie Smith

(B) Foe by J. M. Coetzee

(C) Jack Maggs by Peter Carey

(D) Lily by Rose Tremain

(B) Foe by J. M. Coetzee✔️

🟧68-70 Assertion & Reason

Assertion (Ass): Literature is different from natural sciences.

Reason (R): Literary Research studies both the text as well as the writer.

(C) Both (Ass) and (R) are true.✔️


Assertion (Ass): Adopting a research methodology is essential in a literary research.

Reason (R): Research methodology is the approach towards reaching a thesis.

A) (Ass) is true, but (R) is false✔️

🟧 70. 
Assertion (Ass): Research is a collaborative responsibility shared by all researchers in a particular area of research.

Reason (R): All researchers working on a particular area interact on a daily basis.

(B) (Ass) is true and (R) is the correct explanation of (Ass)✔️

🟧71. "Where I lacked a political purpose. I wrote lifeless books." To which of the following authors can we attribute the above admission?

(A) Graham Greene
(B) George Orwell
(C) Charles Morgan
(D) Evelyn Waugh

(B) George Orwell✔️

🟧72. Which of the following novels has a great impact on the formal experimentation in contemporary fiction?

(A) Thomas Nashe's The Unfortunate Traveller

(B) Henry Fielding's Tom Jones

(C) Laurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy

(D) Samuel Richardson's Pamela

(C) Laurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy ✔️

🟧73. Put following novels of George Eliot in a sequential order. Answer the question with the help of codes.

(i) Middlemarch

(ii) Daniel Deronda

(iii) Felix Holt, the Radical

(iv) Romola

(C) iv, iii, i, ii ✔️

🟧 74. Which of the following is not an apocalyptic novel?

(A) Doris Lessing's The Four-Gated City

(B) L. P. Hartley's Facial Justice

(C) Anthony Burgess's The Wanting Seed

(D) V. S. Naipaul's A House for Mr. Biswas✔️

75. The following statements are either True or False. Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) Tess of the d'Urbervilles was subtitled "A Pure Women Faithfully Presented".

(b) Nineteen Eighty-Four was subtitled "A Dystopian Novel"

(c) The Advantures of Caleb Williams was subtitled as "Things as They Are"

(d) The History of Tom Jones was subtitled "A Prosaic Epic Romance".

C) True, false, true, false✔️

🟧 76. Most of the titles of Aldous Huxley's novels are taken from various literary works. Match the titles of his novels with the works from which they have been borrowed:
Brave New World → Shakespeare's The Tempest

The Doors of Perception → William Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell 

Antic Hay → Christopher Marlowe’s Edward II

Those Barren Leaves → William Wordsworth’s The Tables Turned

Correct Answer: (B) (d), (a), (b), (c)✔️

🟧77. At the conclusion of Gulliver's Travels, Gulliver argues that his motivat for telling the tale is -

(A) to entertain his readers

(B) to inform and instruct mankind✔️

(C) to assist the British nation in enlarging her colonies

(D) to produce a travelogue of genius and learning

🟧78 Choose the correct answer code of correctly matched author-book pair:

i) Muriel Spark-The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

(ii) William Golding-Girls of Slender Means

(iii) August Wilson-Not to Disturb

(iv) Doris Lessing-The Grass is Singing

D) True, False, False, True✔️

79 Which of the following Victorian novels has the subtitle "New Foes with an Old Face"?

(A) Sybil✔️

(C) Pendennis

(B) Hypatia

D) Phineas Finn

🟧 80 
Stephen Dedalus is a fictional character associated with

(1) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

(II) Sons and Lovers

(III) Ulysses

(IV) The Heart of Darkness

D) I and III✔️

🟧 81

Who among the following called the novel "the bright book of life"?

(A) D. H. Lawrence

(C) Virginia Woolf

(B) James Joyce

(D) Aldous Huxley

(A) D. H. Lawrence✔️

🟧 82 

Which character in Jane Eyre used religion to justify cruelty?

(A) Blanche Ingram

(C) Sir John Rivers

(B) Mr Brocklehurst

(D) Eliza Reed

(B) Mr Brocklehurst✔️ 

83. Evelyn Waugh's Trilogy' published together as Sword of Honour is about-

(A) The English Aristocracy

(B) Scottish Nationalism

(C) The Irish Question

(D) The English at War

(D) The English at War✔️

By swaggering could I never thrive, For the rain it raineth every day.'
These lines from Twelfth Night occur in the novel:

A) Middlemarch

(B) Vanity Fair

(C) Our Mutual Friend

(D) Far From the Madding Crowd

A) Middlemarch ✔️

🟧 85 Ann Radcliffe's The Mysteries of Udolpho is a novel about:

(A) A father and a daughter setting out on a journey

(B) The kidnapping of Emily by Montoni and her visit to Venice 

(C)Emily's adventures in the castle of Udolpho, the outcome of the adventures, her escape and her find union with Valencourt✔️

(D) The adventures of Montoni and his men in Udolpho

🟧 86. In his poem, "A Morning Walk" Nissim Ezekiel talks about a "Barbaric city sick-with slums/Deprived of seasons, blessed with rains/Its hawkers, beggars, iron-lunged/Processions led by frantic drums".

Identify the city:

(A) Calcutta

(B) Benares

(C) Bombay✔️

(D) Agra

🟧 87. Who among the following writers asserted that 'Commonwealth Literature' does not exist?

(A) Amitav Ghosh

(B) Salman Rushdie✔️

(C) V. S. Naipaul

(D) Nirad Chaudhuri

🟧88. In which of the following novels, 'Harikatha' is strategically used as a medium of 'consciousness raising'?

(A) Waiting for the Mahatma

(B) Kanthapura✔️

(C) The Serpent and the Rope

(D) A Bend in the Gangas

🟧89. Which among the following is not true of Nagamandala?

(A) It does not have multiple narratives✔️

(C) It combines conventional and subversive modes

(B) It is open-ended

(D) Story is personified in the play

🟧90. Identify the co-editors of the book Chutneyfying English: The Phenomenon of Hinglish from the following names:

(a) Jamuna Kachru

(b) Rita Kothari

(c) Rupert Snell

(d) Alastair Pennycook

Choose the correct option

(A) (a) and (b)

(B) (a) and (d)

(C) (b) and (c)✔️

(D) (b) and (d)

🟧 91. Michel Foucault's earlier "archaeological study is found in:

(A) Power/Knowledge

(B), Social Theory and Transgression

(C) The Birth of the Clinic✔️

(D) Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics

🟧 92. Wnd, from the following, is from South Africa ?

(A) Damon Galgut✔️

(B) Michael Ondaatje

(C) Chinua Achebe

(D) Ama Ata Aidoo

🟧 93. 
Which of the following psychoanalysts rewrote Descartes dictum: "I think therefore I am 'as' I am not where I think, and I think where I am not?"

A) Lacan✔️

(C) Jung

(B) Freud

(D) Cixous

🟧 94. In coining the term Écriture Féminine, Hélène Cixous signifies a mode of textual production, not necessarily written by women. Who among the following male writers is used by her as an example

C) James Joyce✔️

🟧 95. "Power circulates in all directions, to and from all social levels, at all times." Who said this?

(A) Edward Said

(C) Jacques Derrida

(B) Michel Foucault✔️

(D) Roland Barthes

🟧 96. Which of the following works cannot be categorised under Postcolonial theory?

(A) Nation and Narration

(B) Orientalism

(C) Discipline and Punish✔️

(D) White Mythologies

🟧97. Who wrote the famous "Introduction" to Song offerings, translation of Tagore's Gitanjali?

(A) W. B. Yeats✔️

(C) Ezra Pound

(B) T. S. Eliot

(D) J. L. Nehru

🟧98. Viktor Shklovsky's name is associated with-

(A) Post-Modernism

(C) Reader Response theory

(B) New Historicism

D) Russian Formalism✔️

🟧99. The term 'resonance' and 'wonder' are associated with

(A) Stephen Greenblatt✔️

(C) Terry Eagleton

(B) Terence Hawkes

(D) Roland Barthes

🟧100. Epistemology is -

(A) the science of being

(B) the theory of knowledge✔️

(C) belief in the centrality of God in existence-

(D) belief is the centrality of human existence